Chapter 13

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Becca's POV

I was on my way to pick up Tippi for Jimmy's party and I was pretty excited. I couldn't wait to see Jim and meet some of his friends, and well just be with him, actually I couldn't really care about meeting his friends to be honest. I was hoping for more kisses. Who was I kidding, I was hoping the night would end up with me in his bed fucking his brains out.

I needed to calm down and behave myself, but I couldn't help it, I really wanted him.

I certainly hoped Tippi would behave herself tonight, the last thing I wanted was to find her in the bathroom fucking Matt. But as soon as I saw her I knew that wasn't going to happen, something was wrong,  something was very wrong.

"Are you ready?" I asked, I was pretending not to notice the apparent distressed state she was in.

"I don't know. " She said. "Am I?"

She was standing there looking around, she had her arms crossed and I noticed she kept tapping her forehead with her fingers, that was a very bad sign.

"You okay?" I asked gently, when she was like this you couldn't be forceful.

"Um, yes, I think so." She said, looking around frantically.

"Let's go." Fuck, this was not good at all.

She looked at me like she'd only just noticed I was here. "Somethings not right." She said as she walked out the door. Oh fuck.

"Everything looks fine Tip, it's okay." I climbed in the car and looked at her.

"No." Tap on the forehead. "It really isn't. Let's just go."

Ah shit. "So, are you, you know, going to hook up with Matt tonight?"

"What?" Tap on the forehead.  "No."

Bingo. I knew what had upset her. Now I needed to gently find out exactly what happened.

"No? I thought you two were, you know, getting together regularly."

"What? No, I mean yes, but not now." She started wringing her hands. What the fuck had happened. "He broke the rules."

Ahhhh, the rules. What the fuck did he do to get her in this state? I wasn't going to push it any further because frankly I hadn't seen her in this state since her mom came over last year, and well that ended very badly.

I drove in silence, trying not to notice everytime she tapped her forehead. Fuck, I knew this would happen.

"If you don't feel up to it I can take you home." I suggested as we pulled up.

"What? No, I'm fine." That was a blatant lie, she wasn't fine at all.

We walked inside and I was nervous, not about Jim, I was nervous about Tippi having a meltdown here, in front of everybody. God, that sounded so selfish, but I'd seen her meltdown before, it wasn't a nice experience for anyone involved.

"Um." She looked around and tapped her forehead again.

"Sit here, do you want a drink?" She looked up at me, with that same how long have you been here look and nodded.

I saw Jim so I headed over to him.

"Hey." He said leaning down and kissing me. Mmmmm.

"Is Matt here?" I asked, Jim shook his head. "Please tell me he's not coming."

"He is."Jim said, following my gaze to where Tippi was sitting. "Oh fuck."

"Yes oh fuck, something happened and this is bad Jim, very bad." She was sitting there talking to herself.

He put his arm around me. "It's okay."

"No really it isn't. She's my friend Jim and it hurts to see her like this, and you have no idea what it's like when this happens." I sounded harsh, maybe too harsh.

He hugged me too him. "Why does she keep tapping her forehead?"

I sighed. "Who knows? It's like she's trying to organise her thoughts Jim."

"Really? I didn't realise how bad this was."

"It's really not that bad unless she melts down, which she is going to do very soon, she's escalating, and as for the forehead tapping, that's nothing, I've seen her literally hitting herself over and over. She's thinking something and she's trying to make sense of it."

"Why would you put yourself through this Becca?" I couldn't believe he would ask that.

"Because she's my friend, she's absolutely crazy but I love her."

He smiled at me, suddenly his smile disappeared as he looked over my shoulder. I followed his gaze.

Oh fuck, Matt was here.

Bigger oh fuck, he'd brought a date.

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