Chapter 10

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"Well this is interesting" I awkwardly said rocking on the balls of my feet.

"Yeah" He breathed.

"Are we-" I stopped myself because I didn't even know what to say.

"I don't know"

"Well we aren't hurting Eleanor so let's just move on because you're still my best friend"

"You're right. We okay?"

"We're okay"

"Okay" Louis laughed.

"Okay" I giggled.

"Fault in Our Stars forever"

"Yes have you seen the movie yet?"

"No I've been too busy with tour"

"Well when the tour ends we are seeing it together"

"Sounds good" I continued talking to Louis for who knows how long just about stupid stuff. I couldn't believe that he had a dream about us too. This is too weird.

"Louis it's 8 I have to go to class"

"We've been talking for four hours?"

"Yes now I have to go I'll call you later. Have fun at the concert tonight"

"I will. Have fun at class"

"I won't" We said our goodbyes and I shut my phone off turning the shower on and stepping in. Minutes after washing my face and body I heard the door open. I'm guessing Brandon was awake.

"Damn who were you talking to for so long?" He asked joining me in the shower.

"Morning to you too" I giggled. "And Louis"

"How are you guys not dating yet?"

"He has a girlfriend who is like my best friend"

"Well it's obvious he likes you if he would rather talk to you than his girlfriend" I started shampooing my hair pushing Brandon out of the showerhead.

"He doesn't like me"

"Then why did I hear you guys talking on the phone about how you both had dreams about making out with each other?" He smirked.

"Because we're friends and we talk about our dreams"

"Uh huh whatever you say" I finished showering and wrapped a dry towel around myself. "Trust me Em I know how guys think. They don't ignore their girlfriends just to talk to their 'best friends' " Realization hit me like a smack in the face.



"That's what Harry did to me. He ignored me to be with Sophia! And now this whole Louis problem is happening." I groaned falling onto the bed faceplanting into a pillow.

"Told you" Brandon giggled happily to himself and I just glared at him. I quickly put my clothes from yesterday on and went into the bathroom to dry my hair.


"Hey El what's up?" Even though it was like the middle of the night for both of us she said it was an emergency.

"Okay so I need some girl advice"


"Louis and I have been fighting a lot and it's just wearing me out. Like I can't concentrate on my school work because it's all I think about. I've been thinking though that we should take a break and just date other people for a while because we're so caught up in each other it's becoming so exhausting"

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