Chapter 7; Family Matters.

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Nine months ago, I made a huge decision. I decided to give Tate everything. Although he wasn't my first time, he was better than Brandon ever thought about being. Damn, he was good in bed. If I could do it all over again, believe me I would. Just not this part.

I felt as though all of my insides were ripping apart. It was worse than if someone was stabbing me in the vagina. God bless Tate, if only He could. He's sitting here by my side, holding my hand. I was probably squeezing his hand until the point of breaking. Fortunately, he felt no pain and uttered no objections.

You're probably wondering how it's possible for him to be with me. He's condemned to the house. Well I decided that I would have the baby at the house because I wanted him to be here. Call me crazy but he deserves to see the birth of his child. Our child. Even though right now, all I want to do is kill him for getting me knocked up in the first place. Of course he would apologize for it. How could he have known that he still had some little fishies swimming in his stream? He was dead for Christ's sake.

The doctor couldn't make it out to the house. According to the hospital, we didn't schedule it far enough ahead. How the hell am I supposed to know when the bun is going to pop out of the oven? If you ask me, I'm pretty sure the doctor heard about this house. A lot of people have if they've been around for awhile. The doctor is probably such a pussy that he'd be afraid to deliver a child in a haunted house. Typical.

Moira, Constance, and my mom are all here to help. Which is fine with me. I mean, Constance gave birth to three children so she has experience. My mom had me so she also knows what I'm going through. And as for Moira, she's been the maid for so long, I'm sure she has been a midwife at some point.

Here comes the pain again. I let out a blood curdling scream. "GET THIS FUCKING THING OUT OF MEEEE!" I screamed at everyone. I clinched Tate's hand until it turned pale white. I have never screeched this much in my entire life. The pain was getting more intense and the contractions closer together until the pain was so unbearable that I lost my energy. I almost blacked out. Well, maybe I did.

Because the next thing I knew, I opened my eyes and my mom was in my face. "Push, baby girl. Push!" she was screaming. And so I did as I was told. I pushed and within minutes, I heard a baby cry out.

Tate smiled down at me. Even though, I was sweating like crazy and not the least bit pretty, he leaned down and kissed my forehead. He pushed my hair out of my face and said, "You did it baby. You did it and you couldn't look more beautiful. I love you so much."

Moira walked into the kitchen to clean off the baby and my mom and Constance joined her. That's when I saw her in the corner of my eye. She was leaned against the entrance to the living room, crying. Wait, crying? Were those actual tears spilling out of Hayden's eyes? Or was I just imagining the whole thing? Tate noticed that I was staring at something and looked up. His eyes filled with hatred and he stood up, dropping my hand.

"What the hell are you doing here? We had a deal. Are - are you crying?" he asked, astonished. He walked cautiously over to Hayden. That was when she collapsed in the floor, her face in her hands.

"You really love her, don't you?" she cried. She glanced up at him. He nodded and smiled back at me. "More than you ever really loved Violet?" Another nod. "Fine, as long as you're happy." And with that, she disappeared.

My mom walked back into the room, carrying my baby. Mine and Tate's baby. She laid the child in my arms. "It's a girl," she cooed. "Tell me, Al. What're you gonna name it?"

I looked up at Tate and he smiled at me. "Lillie," I said. "Lillie Anne." Both my mom and Constance looked at us in shock. Then they both burst into tears. Moira looked at them, then back at me. She obviously had no clue what we were talking about. "Lillie after Tate's grandmother, Anne after my grandmother." Moira nodded, understanding now. She smiled at our new family. Tate, Lillie Anne, and me.

And for once the house actually felt safe. Like a home. Like nothing could hurt us. We were all happy. Hayden was as good as gone. Tate and I were a happy family. But there was one person that was missing in our puzzle.

I glanced up at my mom and my smile subsided. "Dad?" My mom reading my mind, ran upstairs to where my dad was in his office. He had camped out in there the very second I started going into labor. A few minutes later, both my parents walked down the steps, hand in hand.

"Wayne," my mom said to my dad. "Meet our first granddaughter. Lillie Anne." Tears filled my dad's eyes as I pushed back the blanket from the small bald baby. She let out a small cry but as soon as she saw my dad, she stopped. Her blue eyes filled with wonder. I handed Lillie Anne to her grandpa and she wrapped her tiny fingers around his pinkie. He smiled at me and Tate. Then he smiled at my mom.

Who knew a baby was all it took to bring this house together? Maybe there's a lot where that came from.

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