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Pain! How can I feel pain? Wasn't it supposed to be peaceful and calm after everything has ended, Marc asked himself. The sudden realisation struck Marc like a lightning.
He was still alive. Proof of that was the headache, the cramps and the thirst.
Marc slowly opened his eyes. He was still where everything started, where everything should have ended. he was still surrounded by empty booze bottles and packings of painkillers.
"Fuck!", was Marcs only thought. He would have shouted it out aloud, but his sore, dry throat only allowed a weak wheeze.
The pain still hammering in his head, Marc tried to get up, to get some water. These ten meters from his room to the bath were the longest and hardest steps in his life. Would he have been able to see the irony in achieving the hardest thing in life after one was supposed to die, Marc would at least have chuckled.
But he didn't. So he crawled the last cuople meters, climbed into the bathtub and turned on the water. Without a single sip of water, Marc lost conciousness again.

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