Chapter 2|| a sakura momment And meeting two artist.

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Warning:bad and characters are probably out of character,did that just make sense? And rated pg for words like,'lustfully' or 'rape' if you don't know what that means and your under 13,please read something else or skip this chapter,And your not listening aren't you..

Third POV

The pink haired girl along with the (H/C)Nette walked near a clear field,it had beautiful trees and lots of flowers,it was truely a sight to see,the (E/C) girl looked at the view.
"Wow Sakura,this is a good view." She said,Almost with no emotions.

Sakura frowned at hearing her emotionless voice,she was trying to set emotions to her voice,she wanted to be the FIRST to set emotions to her first,to make her feel what emotions really are,but as hearing her voice,it seems like it isn't gonna happend.

(Y/n) looked at the girl,her eyes glinting with confusion.'why does she look sad?' The emotionless girl asked herself.Sakura looked at a sakura tree and pointed to it,"How about we sit under there? You must be tired,we can rest (Y/N) Chan." She said blushing.

(Y/n) nodded and followed Sakura to that three and sat there." you have anyone on your mind (Y/n) Chan?" The pink haired girl said."Are you talking about Sasuke? No.I don't like him." The (H/c)nette looked at ease.

(Y/n) looked at the view in front of her,it was truly amazing.There was a long silence,until someone decided to speak up."So,what do you feel about the test?" Sakura Asked,(Y/n) nodded at her,showing that she thought it would be fine.To be honest,the pink haired girl was worried about failing.

Suddenly,(Y/n) looked at the sky,' almost night.' She thought,she looked at Sakura,"I'm sorry sakura chan,but I need to get going.And you should two,we got a important day ahead of us." She said.

Sakura frowned,She wanted to spend more time with her,but she nodded anyways.
They said their goodbyes and started walking off.The pink haired girl thinking about the other and Sasuke,while the other girl is just minding her own business.

Suddenly,(Y/n) got a intention of going to the woods,she didn't disagree with herself and slowly walked there.


After walking to the woods,she saw two people wearing the 'akatsuki' cloaks,she hid behind a tree and listened in.

"Do you think she's back at her house? Un."

(Y/n) POV

'Strange,their looking for someone,didn't the hokage say that their bad if they're wearing that cloak? Oh,then I must leave.' I started to walk,but accidentally stepped on a stick.They both looked at my way.

"Come out! We know your out there! Un." 'Oh.' I sign and walked to them.One looked like a girl with long blonde hair,some of his hair tied,and a male with red hair.they both looked at me and start whispering.Their not very good at whispering.

"Is that her? Un." "Yes." I blinked in confusion and start walking away."HEY! WAIT! WHERE DO YOU THINK YOUR GOING?! UN!" I think the blondes catchphrase is 'Un.'

I look behind and said,"I'm going to my house.Miss." I think I made him mad because he has a tic mark."IM A BOY DAMMIT!" He yelled at me."Oh,I'm very sorry,you just look like a girl to me." His tick mark disappeared.He signed and looked at me,"Leader has ordered us to take you to our hideout." He said.

'I have a test to do tomorrow,but I can learn important information about them and tell the hokage,that's more important.' I looked up at them."Okay." I said,the blonde looked confuse and the male looked like he didn't even care about what's happening."Your not going to fight us? Un." (I'm writing to much un's.) I blinked,"No." The redhead narrowed his eyes at me.

"Let's just go,leader is waiting for us." The redhead said.The blonde nodded and took my hand,I think I saw a very faint blush on the blonde,but I might be imagining things.We started walking off.I looked at my surrounding and found a rose bush,'how beautiful.'

"We're here." The redhead said,I nodded as they did a handsign to open the so called,'hideout' we walked inside.I saw,

A masked man running around with candy and another..uchiha? ITACHI! The one who killed my clan,I hope he doesn't remember me,Before I kill him.A fish guy just doing his own thing,a white haired jashin lover yelling at a man counting money.And a girl cooking food.

"We're back,un." All of them stopped and looked at them before looking at me,"DEIDARA SENPAI!" Oh,So the blondes name is deidara.What fake happiness he has in his voice.Faker then mine.'Deidara' groaned.The girl smiled at me,the uchiha and fish guy just looked at me,the fish guy is..grinning at me while the money counter continued to count his money,the jashin lover just looked at me..lustfully (Sorry not sorry lel) I looked at him strangely,but the blue haired lady thought I was scared.

"Hidan,stop staring at her with that look,your scaring her." The blue haired lady said calmly."What the fuck did I do?! I just looked at her!" He cursed,"Well,that wasn't a very,'welcoming' look,it looked like you wanted to rape her!" The fish guy said,"Shut the fuck up kisame!" He cursed again,'is this really the akatsuki,I thought they'd be more serious.' I thought.

The redhead signed and took my hand,the blonde kept trying to ignore the masked man,which left us all alone,me and the..puppet.i just found out soon he was a puppet,"My name is sasori." The male said quietly,I looked at him,"Hm? Oh,my name is (Y/n)" I said to him,he only nodded.

We arrived at a door,he knocked and I heard a very faint,"come in." We went in,I saw someone with lots of piercings,and he had ginger/orange (?) hair."Oh,your back,you may go sasori." Sasori nodded and walked away closing the door after him.i looked at him and bowed.He only nodded.

"My name is Pein.You might be wondering why I brought you here,I want you to join the akatsuki,or die."

'Wow,that was sudden.' "Wait,what?"

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