Chapter 1 : Newspaper

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• Third Person •

Solemn with minimalized volume music played through the air. As soft as the wind's whisper. Royal red lights fill up the corners while still keeping the place dimly lit.

It was really just a simple bar. Mostly occupied by snobbish money sniffing men, who's only goal was to smoke and objectifiy anyone for they have money.

but, it's still a bar, there are different stpries as to why people occupy such a sensually designed place.

"Can I get another bottle of this?" Jennie asked the bartender, while raising her empty one.

"Hey, easy there Kim. You've consumed a bottle" Lisa points out. The two decided to have a little drink since it's a friday night.

Jennie is now a CEO of a famous clothing line, while Lisa is her secretary. Who aslo happens to be her best friend.

They both claim it convenient as well. There was no challenge in the trust between them and they could easily communicate things in and out of business matters.

Jennie didn't really qanna offer the job to the girl, not wanting to make her friend work under her but Lisa insisted that she was curious about the hype of the secretary position and actually liked the idea of being lead by Jennie.

The blonde often claims that her friend is a good leader and is a great role model to many.

"Shut up. No one would care anyways" Jennie spat.

"Well don't blame that you're single"

"... I was just stating a fact"

"Oh? I have a fun fact. You're the successful, hot and not to mention one of the most attractive woman in the world, Jennie Kim... And I still don't get why the hell are you single."

"The right person just hasn't come yet" Jennie now received her new bottled and started pouring herself.

"Who is this 'right person'" —the younger air quotes— "anyway? I mean you can't just stand—"

"I'm actually sitting." the raven haired intervened and the blonde only rolls her eyes.

Lisa took Jennie's drink. "moping around won't summon the love of your life."

"I know, but drinking can make me forget"

"Jongin Kim is not the right person for you. I thought you moved on?"

"I did, Lisa. I did."

"then what's the forgetting agenda?" Lisa gave Jennie her drink back.

the other suddenlt kept mum after that, just switling her drinka round. Watching the eyes smoothly move around the glass as ut melts, becoming one with her drink.

"Can I borrow that newspaper?" Lisa said to the bartender. "Lookie lookie here."

"What is it?"

"Kim Jisoo is in the headline again."

"We care, because?"

"Because! God Jennie, you had a huge crush on her back then."

"I didn't—! You just made that as suspicion or something!"

"What else would I think?! You would casually stare at her back at highschool!"

"Well, I was glaring at her, she was being a teacher's pet through the years. It was annoying"

"Sure... Anyway, the news says that 'Kim Jisoo, famous actress and model has comfirmed her break up with football player Kim Seokjin'" Lisa has a surprised expression in her face.

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