"The asshole is fucking stubborn!" Kit said as his thumbs didn't stop running on his phone screen in such a high speed.
"N'Ming?" Beam asked.
"Is there even someone else near as annoying as him?" Kit asked without tearing his eyes from the phone.
"Maybe him," Phana chuckled and Kit looked up to Phana immediately. Phana pointed someone behind Kit with his chin.
Kit and Beam turned his head and they found Ming with his dashing, confident, blindingly handsome smile standing not far from them.
"Fuck!" Kit and Beam said in unison and that made Kit and Phana turned their head to Beam so quickly, they almost snapped their heads off.
"Afternoon, P'Kitkat," Ming walked to him still with that cool, dashing, confident smile and sat next to him. Kit closed his eyes and sighed.
"Fuck..." Beam whispered again as he turned his head away when another tall, more intimidating, handsome engineering guy walked behind Ming.
"What are you doing here?" Phana asked, offended for nothing, like naturally to Forth who was now walking to them with that aflutter blue jacket because of the wind and the big steps those long legs took.
"Here," Forth said as he sat next to Beam while placing a cool bottle of mineral water and a strip of painkiller.
Beam took the painkiller fast and hid it inside of his pale fist before he put his fists on his lap, shooting a sharp glare at Forth.
"What the fuck is happening here?" Phana asked again, with harder frown.
"Yeah, what the fuck are you doing here?" Beam asked, glared again at Forth.
"Are you feeling better? Have you had lunch?" Forth asked and Phana frowned even harder, if it was possible.
"Gosh, I told you, I am fine, Forth, I'm fine!" Beam said sharply but Forth just reached out his hand and rubbed the bottom side of Beam's back gently. "The fuck!" Beam shoved the strong hand forcefully and ended up whimpered and shut his eyes tightly. The excessive movement really hurt his old and damaged body.
Forth heaved a sigh as Beam put his fist on the table and hung his head low. Tried to calm himself down while closing his eyes rather tightly. Bangs on Beam's forehead barely brushed against the table.
"Didn't you drink any pain killer this morning?" Forth asked as he took the pain killer inside of Beam's fist and tore it. He opened the bottle lid. "Didn't you?".
"Shut up!" Beam shoved Forth's hands away and the pill thrown away to the ground, the cold water spilled on Forth's clothes.
Phana and Kit and Ming opened their eyes wide, while Forth just raised his brows as he saw Beam frowned harder because enduring the harder pain on his body. Forth put the bottle down on the table and took out another strip of painkiller from his jacket pocket.
"What did you do to him?" Phana asked, sounded more like a growl, as he got off from his seat and walked angrily to Forth. "You did something to him, right?!" Phana asked as he grabbed the blue collar and the white t-shirt collar till Forth stood up.
"I did," Forth said quietly.
"I did things to him and that's why I am here," Forth said.
"What the fuck did you do to him that he had to take a painkiller?!" Phana shouted in front of Forth's face.
Forth turned his face to Beam and then looked back at Pha.

Anti Broken Heart - Broken Heart Club
General FictionThis is your Anti Broken Heart - Broken Heart Club