Forth's face was again the first face Beam saw when he woke up. They finally arrived and there was no more rain outside. Forth opened the car door and got off from the car. Beam followed him and Forth stood in front of him once his feet stepped on the ground. Quietly, Forth put a beanie and then he put the hoodie on top of it on Beam's head. Beam just stared.
"Stay warm," Forth said as he pat Beam's head and then walked to the buss to check the kids out.
Beam yawned as he stretched his arms up on the air. The air was cold, his face felt so cold. Beam let the long sleeves covered his palms completely. Beam put his hands inside the hoodie's pocket as he walked to the baggage of Forth's car.
Forth came with a walkie in his hand.
"Check, 1,2, Forth's here, copy,".
"Roger, that, Forth, this is Lam—".
Forth just chuckled before he putted the walkie closer to Beam's lips.
Forth chuckled.
"Copy that, I'm out," Forth said on the walkie and he put it into the pocket of his padded jacket.
Forth then started to get the stuff out of his car. Lam and Mark came to help.
"Ai'Beam," Forth called.
"We'll built the tent. Just stay here, ok, I'll get you when the meal's ready," Forth said and he walked away immediatelly.
"No, Forth, I want to help," Beam said as he reached out to anything on Forth to stop him, which turned out to be his padded jacket.
"Can you watch the kids?" Forth asked as he pointed the kids in the rows, listening to the briefing Forth's friend told them next to the bus.
Beam nodded and then he walked there after he brought out his first aid kit from Forth's bagage.
Forth watched him until he reached the place. And he saw how famous Beam was between the girls, and some boys.
The engineering people looked so though, no one was pale because of the car sick or anything. They looked so happy. Until slowly, some of the girls and the boys made a line in front of Beam, asking for mosquito repellant, cajuputi oil, patches, or anything from him. Even the slightest scar became a problem and eventually he heard a lot of kind of sickness from cold, and having a stomachache, headache, slight gastritis problem, until sore fingers. But well, Beam treated them very kindly, it was his nature to be so sweet to people. He was used to it. And Beam lost his hoodie and the beanie to two of the pretty girls, he lost them with a smile, of course, and continued to serve people only on his long sleeved t-shirt, Forth's sweatpants and his sneakers.
After a while, there was no more people on the rows and Beam relieved a soft sigh. Beam held his upper arm and rubbed it to make it warmer, stared at the orange fallen leaves he stepped on the grass. He then rubbed his nape because it started to feel cold.
He didn't think about anything at all until a clothes was thrown to his head.
"Gosh, surprised me..." Beam flinched as he grabbed the clothes, a black padded jacket. Beam looked up and saw Forth stood two feet from him.
"Can you keep it for me for a while?" Forth asked as he swept a drip of sweat on his forehead with the back of his wrist. He was holding a hammer in a hand and this big nail in his other hand.
Beam nodded and simply folded the jacket and hug it to his chest.
"Ok," Beam said but Forth was still there, looked at him. Forth then gestured like he was tidying up an invisible jacket on his body and even zipped it up.

Anti Broken Heart - Broken Heart Club
General FictionThis is your Anti Broken Heart - Broken Heart Club