Who the hell are you?

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The first day Jake had practice with Miss Greene was more or less free period for him.
She never came.
Of course he hadn't bothered to call to know what was wrong. He was obviously overjoyed he didn't have to do any stupid rehearsal which meant that if she kept it up. They wouldn't perform at the school's inter year show...exactly what he wanted.
He sat down and treated himself to a large box of chicken avocado sandwich while listening to a song by his favorite artist.

The next day started in a very annoying way for Jake. The rains came down heavily and this time, the cold was unbearable.
Bore of staying at home all day, he picked up his car keys and went downstairs to the garage, pulled the car from the house and drove off into the street.
It was so thick a storm that he couldn't see clearly, tho he could manage the wheel.
Then suddenly, he stepped on the brake so hard he lost control of the car and skid off the road into a somersault down the bushes. The car kept tumbling and in the twinkle of what looked to him like a second, Jake was upside down...in a wreck of a car, under the rain, covered in his own blood.
He tried talking but he was getting too suffocate to talk. He was trapped, loosing his grip on life. To no avail.
But something had made Jake apply the brakes so furiously...
Whatever that was slowly sunk out of importance as Jake breathed what he felt was his last.

The doctor had said his chances of surviving were 50-50. Some of his vital organs had been affected and he was going to need a liver transplant which of course was no problem for Jake....he had the money.

"Doc- doctor.." Jake struggled to let out.
"Its alright, be calm.. You'll be okay" The doctor apprehended him..trying to calm him down.
"Who brought me here?" Jake demanded, still finding it extremely difficult to speak.
"Why not get back to sleep now and we'll discuss that much later" The doctor replied raising Jake's blankets and inclining him to relax.
"No, I demand to know...now!" Jake attempted a shout but recoiled as severe pain hit him.
"Okay okay, but please don't yell...its not good for you right now" The doctor said slowly still trying to calm him down.
"Who was it?" Jake asked again, now a little more calm.
"I'm sorry, but the person made us promise to keep the identity a secret". The doctor said.
"The fuck are you talking about? I deserve to know who saved my life goddamit!" Jake was loosing his temper.
"Was it a she, or a he...you better start talking or.." Jake added, furious.
"I'm sorry I can't tell you that either" The doctor said and with that, he stood up and walked towards the door.
Halfway past the door he stopped.
"Get some rest, Jake. You'll need it." The doctor said without turning to face him, and with that he went out the door and left the ward room.
Jake recovered quickly and within those days he was in the hospital many friends came to visit bringing him fruits and all other good stuffs.
But Jake never ceased being uneasy about the fact that someone had been there when he had the accident and that someone saved his life. He felt the unusual need to find out who that someone was....by all means.
Around 2am the next morning, he lifts himself from his bed, slowly and quietly walks out of the room he was currently kept in, then slowly managed to shift the door open. Looking sideways into the averagely lighted hallway, he checks to see if there was a possibility of anyone striding down and catching him. There was none. So he continued, a step at a time......he got to the stairs, moved so swiftly that the nurse on the Registrar, who was already an hour into a very deep sleep, couldn't hear him walk past her. He got to the front of the hospital and began looking for his car..he remembered it was badly damaged in the accident so it couldn't be here. Right then he heard a shout and some minor noises upstairs.. He knew they had found out he was gone and he had to escape, fast.
Now the problem was not with what Jake saw that he wanted to see again, no... The problem was the fact that Jake had an accident because of something he saw which he couldn't describe and which probably saved his life.
The thought scared him to death. That someone could be watching....someone.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2018 ⏰

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