Dedicated to...

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I would like to dedicate this book to a few people.

First off to my father, now I know he will never read this, and honestly that's probably a good thing. He would definitely never let me live it down. But he's always been there for me, and when he wrote a short story once he dedicated it to me, so I thought it was only proper to return the favor.

Second I would like to dedicate it to my wonderful best friend Pauline. She keeps me sane and somewhat helps me with my stories, although sometimes she makes it even harder :). But I love her to death and sometimes she even helps me come up with character ideas inspired by her personality.

And lastly I would like to thank each and everyone of you who have continuesly asked for more, although sometimes it's overwhelming, I know that you all enjoy my writing which makes me feel good. Even though I know I have zero writing talent, I thank you for sticking through and reading even when I have no clue where I'm going. You truly are my inspirations and I love you all. Even though I've never met most of you.

Julana xx

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