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Ruthless tigers scavenging the forest of my brain,

foot by foot,

my thoughts intended to consume me

As I thought of whether or not

I was worth being seen

seen with something so many view as




Something that I've hidden for so long

tucked into pants

sucked in for pictures

squeezed and poked at maliciously by fingers

burned by too many fiery crunches

harshly spat at in the mirror

denied for the sake of "visual improvement"...

I ask myself:


why is something so simple as flesh encased by skin viewed so complicatedly?

why are our centers something that are chastised yet endlessly praised when they're more toned and smaller in size?

should be small yet not too small for fear of looking gaunt?

that should be hidden at all costs but expected to look like they've been kissed by the Sun themselves?

that should only be large and round if there is another being thriving inside?

but then are expected to return to their original state once that being has been given the gift of life?

Why, I ask,

is something capable of raditating laughter

being a home to inner mechanisms essential to our prosperity

providing insulation during frigid days and nights

supporting our entire body as we work, play, rest, love, create

and providing a 9 month home,

sparking the continuation of its legacy through another,

treated like an atrocious, correctable, shrinkable,

bag of skin

simply worthy of being squeezed up

and shoved under

a mere piece of cloth?

I say we cherish those rolls, bags, curves

no matter their shape

hold them lovingly

feed them openly

re-affirm them

dance with them, not to correct, but to celebrate

laugh until we cry with them

fill them up the the nurturing embrace of our deep breaths

allow them to be seen, in all their full, fed, nurtured beauty

flaunt them

Because after all,

thoughts of being, creating, fulfilling...

Should be the type that consume us.

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