3-A Royal Pain.

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It had been 2 days since Aedion was shot. Aelin still didn't know who had done it, but she did know one thing: Aedion Ashryver had become the Bane(haha see what I did there?? ;)) of her existence. Despite the bit of Fae blood in his veins, his healing was not much faster than that of a normal human's.

He was still bedridden so everything had to be brought to him. Since the incident, Aelin did not trust anyone but herself, Rowan and Lysandra to care for him. So far, Lysandra had avoided spending any long amount of time with Aedion. And anytime Rowan tried to help it always ended in some sort of a fight. So all the work fell on Aelin.

She didn't mind at first, he was her cousin after all. Aelin didn't realize at the time that Aedion, much like herself, absolutely enjoyed being pampered. It took all of Aelin's self-restraint to not snap at him when he practically ordered her around like a maidservant.

Aelin groaned inwardly as she carried a tray with Aedion's dinner up the stairs to his chambers. Aelin nudged the door open with her foot and shivered. She would never for the life of her understand why he insisted on keeping his room so cold.

"Oh thank the gods, I'm starving," Aedion exclaimed, then gestured towards his nightstand. "Just set it right there thanks, Aelin."

She gritted her teeth and turned to go when he spoke up again.

"Oh, Aelin?" Aelin turned towards him and narrowed her eyes. He continued, not at all phased by her glare. "Would you please bring me a book?"

"Oh for word's sake, Aedion, since when do you read?" Aelin exclaimed. But even as she said this, she knew she would never deny someone they wish to read. Even if that someone was her impossible cousin. Who had becomes a Royal Pain?

"Ever since the-the-the THING. I can't do a damned thing in this prison." He gestured around his room. "Might as well make myself literate."

"Fine but you better make it last because I'm tired of waiting on you hand and foot." With that Aelin turned and stalked out of his room. Forcefully shutting the door behind her.

She paused in the hallway, debating whether she should bring him a book out of the library or her library. She decided upon the later and headed towards her room.

As she rounded the corner she ran right into Rowan. Her years of being Adarlan's Assassin kept her on her feet. She sprang back and raised an eyebrow to Rowan.

"Why are you in such a rush?" Aelin asked. "I know you and Aedion are best buds but I haven't seen anyone in such a hurry to get to him."

Rowan ignored her smart ass comment and grabbed her wrist pulling her down the hall in the direction he came from. They were moving fast but Aelin's Fae eyes allowed her to see each green and silver banner with clarity as the rushed by.

"Rowan what are you doing," said Aelin through clenched teeth. "Where are you taking me?"

Rowan didn't answer; he simply moved faster than before. They zipped through the halls. Taking the turns so sharp Aelin often felt her arm graze the walls. Rowan hauled it upstairs and came to a screeching halt in front of a guest room door.

"What are we doing here?" Demand Aelin.

"Shhhh," Rowan hissed, "She'll hear you!"

"Who?" Aelin said loudly. This is my home and I don't care who hears me, I'll talk as loud as I please." The last part was practically shouted at Rowan.

"The girl! We found her on the steps of the castle, completely passed out. She had blood on her but she didn't seem to be hurt anywhere. I had the servants move her to a room for until she woke up. Then I came to get you."

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