9-Lone Soldier.

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Feyre pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. She was sweaty from head to toe. After the meeting, she and Rhys decided to train together. An hour later they were both exhausted.

"Feyre, darling, I think it's best we get some rest now." Feyre nodded in agreement, and led the way towards the door, passing Rhys and giving him a peck on the cheek, in the process. He turned and walked in stride with her, one hand on her waist.

The couple ambled down the corridor, just simply enjoying thier time together. Feyre paused at a large window to take in the scenery. The moon cast a luminous glow over the rooftops and mountains.

Rhys pulled her closer, her small figure fit perfectly in his arms. They stood there, together, just enjoying the alone time. Rhysand turned Feyre around, so she faced him and kissed her deeply. There was so much love between the two of them.

The only warning Rhysand had was a slight shuffling before the window exploded into a shower of glass. Rhys sprang backwards with Feyre tucked into his arms. There was a beat of silence and then chaos.

Dozens of Large mosquito-like creatures swarmed through the window. They were about the size of a house cat and thier mouths oozed with white slime. Next came humanoid creatures, thier skin was black and rotting, thier eyes were red and in place of fingers, were claws. They walked upright, and thier legs were all tall and skinny. Each one was about 6 ft tall and looked absolitely terrifying. To her horror, Feyre saw that there were legions of monsters, as far as she could see. More glass exploded as the window to her left was shattered. She glanced around and found Rhys grappling with four of the creatures, he may have been High Fae, but obviously these things weren't messing around.

Feyre watched, as another creature, who's leg was tangled in one of the enormous banners that lined the corridor, pounced on Rhysand, bringing the entire banner down on top of him.

Feyre screamed Rhysand's name and scrambled to lift it off of him. She sent a few quick bursts of fire at the creatures that still surrounded Rhys. Grabbing hold of his arm she winnowed them a few yards down the corridor. Rhys was limp in her arms and his eyes were shut. For one heart stopping second, Feyre feared the worst, but Rhys lips parted in a moan and his eyes fluttered. Feyre laid him down and was surprised to find her hand sticky in blood.

Shaking off the initial shock, Feyre quickly jumped to her feet, Rhys behind her. Assuming a defensive stance, she readied herself for battle.

More of the grotesque monsters flooded through the open window, not  at all fazed by the shattered glass that littered the floor. Feyre thrust a now flame covered fist out in front of her and her magic obeyed her, the two creatures nearest to her let out a gutteral scream. Feyre repeated the motion, flinging her magic at the mass enemies in front of her. She would not let them hurt Rhys.

A shout came from the end of the hall, Feyre turned to find guards sprinting towards her. One of the "mosquitos" noticed the guard and immediantly flew toward him. Feyre threw out a hand and it dropped to the ground in a frozen cube.

"NO! GO GET THE QUEEN! GET AELIN!!" Feyre screamed behind her.


"Fireheart, please relax. Everything is fine." Rowan gently rubbed soothing circles on Aelin's back. Aelin nodded and tried to calm herself. Something is going to happen and she could feel it coming. Sighing out loud she wiggled her way out of Rowan's arms and went to her closet to get dressed.

"Aelin. Come on. We are fine! Please come lay back down." Rowan's protests went unacknowledged by Aelin. She strapped the final dagger onto her belt and then finally turned to face him.

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