Laser Tag, But Scorpio Always Wins

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This is to Venus__16 who suggested the idea for laser tag


"So, what are we doing today?" Gem asked, talking to Leo on the phone.

"I think we're going laser tagging today," Leo replied.

"Cool. Need a ride?" Gem asked.

"Yeah, thanks. See you in ten?"

"We'll be there."

"NYE! WE HAVE TO PICK UP LEO!" Gem screamed up the stairs at her brother.

"FINE! BUT WE ALSO HAVE TO PICK UP CAP!" Nye shouted back.



All thirteen teenagers arrived at Starland, which was the nearby laser tag/arcade place. Libra had made a reservation for them in advance, so they were the only ones there. Well, then and....

"Phoenix! I'm so glad you could come!" Pisces squealed and went up to hug her boyfriend.

Scorpio rolled his eyes, though nobody other than Aries noticed. Cancer let out a sigh. Virgo and Taurus looked slightly annoyed, because they had absolutely no idea what might happen today. Most of the others, with the exception of Gem, gave each other annoyed looks.

"So this is Phoenix?" Gem strutted up to him. "Got any nearby cousins about our age?"

"Not that I know of?" Phoenix said, but it sounded like a question. "You must be Gem. I think we have Biology together."

"Actually, I think we do," Gem agreed, frowning due to his answer of her question.

"Oh yeah! You were the girl who almost punched John Canis!" Phoenix realized. Then he pointed at Leo and Aquarius. "And you guys were the ones holding her back!"

"I remember that," Aquarius laughed.

"You're Aquarius, right? And the other girl is Leo?" Phoenix guesses, earning nods from each.

Pisces turned around and introduced everyone, gesturing to them as she went. "That's everyone," she finished.

"You've got a large group," Phoenix stared.

"Yeah, well, we get by," Pisces shrugged.

"Anyways, you guys ready for laser tag?" Libra asked them.

"As I'll ever be." Sagittarius cracked her knuckles and gave everyone a life threatening glare.

"My girlfriend is scary," Aries stated, matter-of-factly.

"You don't have to say that again," Scorpio agreed. "I hear you loud and clear."

"Anyways,  are y'all ready?" Leo asked.

"Totally!" Cancer pumped her fist in the air. "Wait, who's the team captains?"

"ME!" Sagittarius, Leo, Nye, Gem, Scorpio, Aries, and Capricorn all simultaneously shouted.

"How about Scorpio and Leo, because you two have a score to settle?" Taurus volunteered.

 "Sure, I'll pick first." Scorpio looked around the room. He couldn't pick Pisces without Phoenix, whom he didn't want. He didn't really want Virgo or Taurus. Capricorn and Nye were way too loud. Then his eyes landed on Sagittarius. Healthy competition is good between friends. "Tari."

"Fine, then. Gem." Leo retorted.



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