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"Please, take care of him for me. Please, help him to smile, again"

Jade pulled away from the hug and looked at her in shock.

"Jesy! Over here!" A flock of girls that seemed to be Jesy's friends called her over, she smiled in delight and walked up to them with a grin plastered on her face

"Hey guys!" she grinned before her voice was overtaken by a swarm of complaints for her leaving, her smile didn't falter though, her smile only grew larger

"Don't worry! I'll visit every now and then!"

Jade made her way to the nearest seat in sight, Jesy's words lingered in Jade's head, the words fresh in her memory. The moment replayed, over and over for what felt like millions of times, although her thoughts often drifted to Niall, how is he? Where is he? Did he get to see Jesy before she left?

"Can I ask you something?" Jade asked Harry as he came and sat beside her

"If I say no, will you still ask?" Harry replied, bluntly

"Actually, can I tell you something? Just act like you did before. This defeated and depressed side of you, doesn't suit you."

"Is it a good idea to ignore your feelings and not show any emotion when you like someone," Jade asks sighing as she gazed out of the window

"Are you insane? That's the same as ignoring them. If you did that, and the Earth ended the next day, wouldn't you die of regret?" he asked rolling his eyes

"You know, you might not be a total idiot afterall," Jade says in surprise

"Thank-you, like I was saying; I'd rather regret doing something, than regret doing nothing," he said with a cocky smirk

"Alright, this time, I'm actually going," Jesy laughed as she pulled away from the swarm of people, she quickly hugged the members of One Direction, well most of them and walked to the gate.

At the last moment, she turned around as if she were searching for someone, and turned back around, disappointed.

"What the hell, where is he?" Zayn asks no one in particular

"Is he really going to miss out on this?" Liam asked worriedly

"Wanker," Louie scoffs, making the group around them stare at him

"Alright, alright, not a wanker, the leprechaun." he rolls his eyes, correcting himself

"Niall, the bastard," Harry grumbled once again, shaking his head in disappointment

"Ouch, Haz." A voice from behind Jade spoke, she knew the voice from anywhere, the slight tinge of an accent that definitely wasn't British, but more of an Irish or Scottish accent.

The velvety smoothness that laced each word that escaped the owner's lips, the playfullness of the voice confirmed Jade's guess, she snapped her head to the person behind her, and there, with his hands in his pockets, with a cheeky, toothy grin, was Niall Horan.

"You wanker," Harry laughed, nuzzling Nialls head with his knuckles as Niall gave out a contagious laugh

"Exactly how long have you been standing here for," Liam smiled

"Long enough to know that I'm a leprechaun," he joked, punching Lou in the arm

"Shut up wanker," Lou chuckled punching his arm back

"But in all honesty, a few hours, actually," he admitted

"Few hours, how come you didn't come to say good - bye to Jesy?" Zayn asked, Jade's anger was soon unleashed, she stormed up to Niall and began her rant.

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