I'm stupid

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I know I'm stupid. I screwed up so many times and made the same mistakes. I had kids at a young age and fucked my life up. I'm hurting because I know I hurt someone that was important to me. I loved her. No...... I still love her. But I burned that rope in half I know. I think about my memories with you some good and some bad. I remember when I use to be so happy just talk to you. It made my day talking to you everyday after school. It made me feel soft inside. It was an amazing feeling. I just wanted to hug and cuddle you so bad but I didn't want you to get uncomfortable. So I just talked to you. That song you sung made me so happy hearing your voice. I remember the song.  It was Halo.

When you were finally mine I didn't know what to do. I was falling in love and I was scared. I'm scared of love. I'm scared because I lost the first girl I was in love with I made her hurt too. Go ahead and beat my ass Alex. I was in love with Lexi. But I lost her. Then I was scared to love again. I fell in love with you coldheartedvampire16. You made me feel better about all my screw ups and accepted me. I fucked that up because I cheated on you. Please listen to me the reason I cheated is because I want it but I didn't want to ask you because what happened to you early last year. I wanted you but I can't have you. I wanted you more then anything. I was scared you would leave and thing of me has nothing more than a fuck boy. The reason I haven't been talking to you alot was because my problem. I been dealing with depression and I didn't want it to bring you down. I been getting help. I was selfharming too. The reason I cheated is because I needed it at the time to help me from thinking about my depression. I'm so sorry I'm glad you found someone better than me. I'm glad he makes you happy. You can move on.

And I'm sorry Wolfie753 and NightWolf531 for how I treated you two. And sorry Redwolf973 I shouldn't have hurt you either.

I'm so stupidWhere stories live. Discover now