Chapter 25

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*Time Skip*

So tomorrow I graduate high school, that means today is my last day. And that also means it's prank day. Oh how my life has just gotten so much better.

So I was thinking about filling water balloons full of paint and we'll, paint bomb the school.
But don't worry I'm not that boring to just do one prank. I'm just gonna do as many as I can fit in the time that I have.

I stop off at Target and get water balloons and paint to start off with. Courtney was out in the parking lot filling them up while I walked around the store looking for more stuff to use.
I walked through the party isle and filled my cart with every single can of silly string.

I bought a few boxes of party poppers, and while I was at target I got some spray paint because why not, it's not like they can suspend or expel me. I paid for my things and walked back out to my car.

"I literally just finished the balloons"  Courtney said. "Well I got, silly string, spray paint and party poppers"  I said with a smirk.
"Nice one"  we fist bumped. "Oh and stop off at Jeffers Bakery by the way"  Courtney said to me.

"Uhhh okay"  I replied. "Let's just say there's about 20 cream pies ready to be picked up"
She said with a mischievous smile.
"You know I like your thinking Matier"  I said smugly. "Good to know Beckham"  she chuckled.

We stopped off at the bakery and packed all of the pies into the trunk of my car. As soon as we pulled into the schools parking lot we jumped out of my car, both of us with a bag of paint balloons in our hands.

We ran up the steps hitting the school sign and destroying the white walls of the entrance.
Courtney ran down the science corridor bombing it while I ran through English and Maths doing the same thing.

Courtney then took the Art and ICT blocks while I done the Geography and PE ones.
Let's just say we've already made a mess of the school and that's only with our first plan.
Courtney and I had every single class together so we went through each of our classes until it was Lunch time.

We headed out to my car and pulled the silly string and party poppers from the back seats.
We went round every single classroom taping party poppers to the inside of draws and door handles. Basically when someone goes to open the doors or draws they are gonna shit their pants.

Then we silly stringed the girls toilets and changing rooms just to make the schools life even harder than it was before. Fuck them, most of them were assholes to us now karmas a bitch and is getting back at them.

We high fived when every classroom was finished. "I think it's time for the spray paint"
Courtney and I said at the same time.
Again we made another trip out to my car and grabbed a few cans each.

After spray painting all of the lockers and Principal Millers office door we decided we'd leave the pies for when everyone leaves school. P.s it was a massive dick on Mr Millers door, because he simply is a massive dick.

The final bell had rung signalling the end of our last day at high school. Boy I couldn't be feeling any more relieved right now.
Courtney and I rushed out of our English class and went straight to my car for like the fourth time today.

I told the whole girls soccer team to meet me in the parking lot. Once the majority of the students had left the school building to go home, we waited for the teachers to leave.

Everyone stood in a hiding place with a bunch of pies with them. It's weird that nearly all of our teachers leave at the same time, but right now we weren't complaining because they just set themselves up to get pied.

First out was Mr Miller our principal.
Everyone hated him because he was a dick.
If you got sent to his office more than once in your whole time at high school he wouldn't even hear you out he'd just straight out give you a punishment.

Now it's time for him to get his. "Fire" I yelled. One after the other everyone pelted Mr Miller with cream pies. And before he could even wipe it off of his face, we were all in our cars speeding out of the parking lot.

" should have seen his face"
Courtney said in between breaths. Mainly because she was laughing so hard, not because she was out of breath from running to the car.

"What are you on about, I couldn't see his face with all of that pie on him"  I said before I burst out laughing. "Oh my god, I can't believe we just done that"  she replied in disbelief. "Well I can, and I don't regret it either"  I said matter of factly.

I pulled up outside of Courtney's house.
"I'll see you tomorrow when we graduate"  I yelled out to her. "Can't wait"  she called back before walking through her front door.

I drove of down the road towards Tobin and I's apartment. I pulled into the driveway and took the keys out of the ignition. I grabbed my backpack out of my car.

I stumble in through the door and dump my bag beside the couch. "Tobs I'm home!"  I call out. "I'm just n the bedroom"  she called back.
I grab my bag and put it in the bottom of my closet.

"What have you been doing, your covered in paint and.....and is that pie?"  Tobin questioned me whilst pointing at my shirt. Which with no surprise was covered in paint splatters and pieces of pie.

"It's a long story" I chuckled at the thought.
"I have time" Tobin gave me her million dollar smile. I told Tobin all the events that had happened today and to say she was surprised is an understatement.

"As bad as that sounds I wish I had done that on prank day when I was in high school"
She replied honestly. "It was pretty sick, I even spray painted a dick on Mr Millers office door" I snickered. "No you didn't" Tobin couldn't believe what I had said. "I totally did" I replied with a smirk.

*Time Skip to Next Day*

Today was the day that I finally graduate high school. I've never loved and hated something at the same time in my entire life, apart from now. I mean getting away from all of the homework and teachers is amazing, but at the same time I'm gonna miss my friends and obviously the soccer team.

I was dressed in a short black dress with heels about 3 inches high. My hair was down and curled and I had on some makeup.
Tobin was the only one coming to see me graduate. I still haven't spoken to my family since the day they kicked me out, and I don't plan on doing it any time soon either.

Tobin and I drove to my school where all of my friends were waiting for me at the entrance.
I said a quick goodbye to Tobin before going in and sitting with my class. We had this big presentation and people went up and told funny stories about each other.
I had finally graduated high school and I couldn't be any happier at the moment .

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