Chapter 24

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*Please read authors not at the end of this chapter*

I woke up to my alarm going off. But I only have alarms set for school days which means it's Monday. I sighed getting up out of bed.
I walked into the kitchen and made me and Tobin breakfast. When I was done I put Tobin's plate into the microwave for whenever she wakes up.

I eat my food and then get ready for the day, putting on black skinny jeans and a white Nike air jumper with my white Nike Air Force 1s.
I brushed my teeth and then my hair before writing Tobin a note, it read......

Toby, breakfast is in the microwave, I had to leave for school and didn't want to wake you up- Brooklyn xx

I left the note on her bedside table before grabbing my bag and heading out to my car.
I got in and took the 20 minute drive to school.
I pulled my car into the parking lot and went to my usual spot.

Then I hopped out of my car grabbing my bag before I shut the door. I walked into the school building to still hear people whispering about me. I ignored it and continued walking to my first class which was chemistry.

I walked in, every pupil staring at me as I went to my seat at the back. "She's a slut did you not see the pictures" some boy called Jarred whispered to his friend.

I slumped down into my seat next to Courtney.
"What are they talking about" I asked confused. "You mean you haven't seen the pictures, like everybody in the entire school has them" she replied.

"Pictures of who" I questioned her. "Pictures of you" she said. "Have you got them" I asked her. "Yes" Courtney sighed. "Here, look" she said handing me her phone. I looked down and swiped through the pictures, they were the ones from the photo shoot that I had with Nike.

"Oh my god you've got to be kidding me" I whisper yelled. "I know it's not that big of a deal, everyone is just making it out to be one"
She shrugged her shoulders.

"Great just what I need to deal with for the rest of the week" I sighed, running my hands through my hair. "Your literally wearing a sports bra and a pair on Nike pros, trust me there's nothing wrong with them. People in this school just want something to gossip about"
Courtney said to me.

The bell rang and she was the first to get out of her chair. "Don't let it get you you" she said putting her hand on my shoulder before going to her next class. I debated on wether to just walk out of school there and then or continue with the rest of my day.

Since I was already in enough trouble with teachers about homework's and not being in class due to soccer, I decided I'd stay. I went to my next few classes the same thing happening in each one. People spreading rumours and nearly half of the class eyeing me as I went to my seat.

Lunch came and went, nothing happened surprisingly. I only had 2 more classes to get through, that couldn't be so hard, right?
Well that's what I thought, I couldn't have been anymore wrong.

Maths was fine, it was when I went to my last class. English. To start of with I couldn't concentrate because I was too busy thinking everyone was still starting at me. And then Mrs Johnston asked me a question, I was about to answer until Charlie decided to be a dick.

*cough* "slut" *cough* is what he called out.
And that's when I'd had enough. "You know what, fuck you Charlie, and fuck this school, your all a bunch of judgmental cunts" I screamed before grabbing my bag and driving home.

I walked into the apartment and slammed the door behind me. I dropped my bag to the ground and slid down the door, tears starting to form in my eyes. "God, why me" I mumbled tilting my head back against the door.

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