An Alliace?

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Danna thought she had gotten away. In reality, Lily grabbed her by the neck and slammed her onto the bed. For a split second, Danna had the upper hand with a little adrenaline. She flipped Danna over on her back and pinned her down. "What is going on with you Lily!" It came out as more of a scream then a question. In no more than another second, Lily had the upper hand over Danna, flipping her over to where she was the one on top now. Danna screamed for the help of someone, anyone. As soon as Lily realized what she was doing, she muffled her mouth with her hand.

"Now you listen here, little girl. You are going to do exactly what I say, when I say it. Do you understand?" This voice was not Lily's. It sounded deeper than the devil himself. Danna didn't let out a peep. "Alright fine," the new voice let out an evil sigh and then a vicious giggle escaped his lips followed by a glance to Danna, "The fun way it is." With a flick of "Lily's" wrist, Danna could no longer move. Sharp pains stung the tips of every nerve and bone in Danna's body. Then, she went limp. Or so it thought she had.

Danna had done the practically impossible. She had outsmarted whatever was possessing Lily. Thinking it had won, it left Lily's body and Lily fell to the ground. Before anything else could happen, Danna ran out of the room as fast as she could.

Danna got about half way down the hall until she saw a nurse coming her way. He had a neck brace, odd for someone who is stereotyped as naturally cautious.** All Danna wanted was to get out of the hospital without an interference. Any inferences always led to seeing Lily once again which was not something she wanted.

**Same nurse that had an incident with Lily, neck is broke from when she had snapped his neck** (Just a side note for anyone who doesn't remember :))

In attempt to avoid him, Danna picks up her pace and glanced away from eye view. This though, only made her look more suspicious. As soon as he was close to her, he said, "What are you doing here at this time? Visiting hours are over." Danna decided to meet his eyes. She then mumbled, "Nothing, just heading out." He didn't believe her and glanced her over. He didn't want trouble so her walked past her. Before he got too far, she had an idea.

"Wait!" Danna turned around and darted towards him. The nurse stopped and met her eyes with pure frustration.

"What could you possibly want at this hour child? Just go home." This stung a bit but Danna still had a sprout of hope still lingering. "Where are you heading towards?" The nurse thought this was a pointless question but pointed to the room he was about to go in. It was about two doors down. Danna got really exited after that. "Did you happen to hear what had happened with the patient in that room?" She then whispered, "Look, I know what happened to your neck, you can trust me." For an added affect, she winked. I think he's buying it, she thought.

The nurse first looked at her with a shocked reaction. He had not told anyone about what had happened. How could she have known? But then he began to get curious because he had heard the rumors about the patient she was talking about. Maybe this girl was on to something.

The nurse grabbed Danna by the wrist and started walking. "Come with me."


I am going to try and update this at least every two weeks, this update was a ton of a lot latter than it should have been. XD Also, now that I'm out of school for summer, I should have a lot more time to write so that should help. :)

(Also, I have no idea if you can see the publish time but, the only reason why it is so early is because I only get inspiration for horror stories late at night XDD)

Thanks for reading.

-Kaylee <3


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