Chapter 1

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Beca's POV

"Jesse! Where the fuck are you?!" I shout into my phone, so he knows how dead he is when I see him.

"Becaw!" I hear him shout back while laughing.

Ugh if he weren't my best friend, I would've killed him by now.

"Jess, I've been waiting outside your house for half an hour!" I say, a bit calmer than before.

"Oh shit! I completely forgot to tell you!" He says while laughing even more. I roll my eyes. Usual from him, forgetting stuff.

"Want to tell me or..." I say and his laugh dies down.

"Well basically... Do you remember my big sister Chloe?" He says, sounding very enthusiastic.

Chloe?... Chloe Beale..hmm sounds familiar but I don't recall anything.

"Erm... I can't really remember, why?" I ask, confused as to why he's bringing up his sister whom we've never spoke about in the last 8 years I've known him.

"Oh shit! I've never told you about her!" He says, sounding shocked.

I chuckle at that. He's such a dork.

"Well, I mean I think I've heard your mum bringing her up here and there, but yeah we've never talked about her" I say remembering the times his mom had brought her up, but the topic changed so fast and then she didn't get into that topic.

"Urgh! She's 24 right? 3 years older than me and you. When I was 12 and she 15 then our parents split and she was closer to my dad so she moved to New York with him and I stayed here with mom in Atlanta. You know whenever I went to new York?"

"Uh huh?.."

"I went to meet her and dad" He finishes.

"Wow, eight years of knowing you and I didn't know you had a sister" I chuckle at the thought and he joins.

"Yeah, so basically!" He starts enthusiastically. I don't interrupt him. "She's staying with us for a while! And I'm just at the airport to receive her" He says with a squeal.

I laugh at that and wonder what it'll be like for him and for her as she practically lives at his house. His mom treats her like a daughter and knows me and Jesse share a sibling type of friendship and nothing more.

"Wow man! I'm happy for you" I say, genuinely.

"Hey! Mom is home so why don't you just wait till we get back so you can meet her too?" He suggests, sounding busy. "Oh she's here! Bye bro! see you later" He says quickly and hanging up.

I pull my phone away from my ear and smile at it. Dork! Wait! What if she's exactly like him?

I ponder over that while exiting my car and heading for the door and I see that it's not locked so I just walk in. I'm like family, okay?

"Hey, Erica!" I say, seeing Jesse's mom in the kitchen, looking busy with making something.

"Oh Beca! Thank God you're here!" She says quickly hugging him. I chuckle at how nervous she looks.

"On a scale of 1 to 10, how good are you at chopping" She asks, clasping her hands together and looking at me with hope in her eyes.

"Um... I mean other than the time I almost chopped my finger off...." I was about to continue but then she drops her head on the kitchen counter. I laugh and hug her.

"Chill Erica! She's your daughter. I doubt she'll care how well the vegetables are chopped. Trust me, it'll all go smoothly" I say smiling when she looks up with a smile too.

"Thanks Becs" She says and gives me another quick hug before moving to the stove to check the soup. "You are staying for dinner right?" She asks while stirring the soup.

I put my hands on my chest and act offended.

"Erica! Just because your daughter is coming does not mean I'll be replaced!" I burst out laughing when she I see her chuckling and shaking her head.

I've been very close to Erica too. She's like the mother I never had. I have dinner at Jesse's almost every day and when I don't it's usually because I'm busy.

My dad and I barely see each other, before he awakes, I leave and get breakfast from the local café beside my house then I pick Jesse up and we both head to our university.

That's like my everyday routine and I think it's perfect, but I still feel slightly alone sometimes which Jesse, Erica or my dad can't change.

"You're an amazing girl, Beca. You know that?" Erica asks with tears in her eyes.

I rush to her and pull her in a hug and she starts sobbing. I just realised how much this Chloe meant to her as she's so nervous, yet so happy. I always found sadness in her eyes whenever she says 'You're like my daughter'. I know now that that sadness was caused by this girl and she's returning. Today...

We hear the doorbell and we both immediately look at each other with wide eyes and suddenly I'm nervous now. I gulp and wipe her tears away, then nod towards to the front door for her to go.

Exactly 10 seconds later I hear a bubbly sounding girl talking about how much she's missed Erica.

I sigh and lean against the counter, not wanting to intrude in this family moment. All I hear is faint comments about the past and then I hear someone bringing up food. Shit!

I stand calmly against the counter with my usual stern look because that's my calm face. I then see a pair of heels walking up to me and I look up to see the brightest and bluest eyes I've ever seen.


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