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My father and mother were out at the bar while I was stuck on the ship babysitting my newborn brother John.

Smee, one of my fathers workers, stayed on the ship to make sure we don't go wandering off somewhere. My father didn't care for children, he just doesn't want to disappoint my mother.

Later in the night they stumble back onto the ship mumbling some jibberish that no one could understand.
"Ah Smee thank God your still awake!"

"Yes Captain, I-"

"How were the little Devils?"

"Well they-"

"I bet they were Horrible! You know how children can be, so idiotic!"

My mother went to her room and my father followed. Smee looked disappointed, he hated seeing my father like this.

Smee walked into my room.
"Goodnight Skye."

"Goodnight Smee"
Smee started to say something but trailed off. He walked out the door and shut it behind him.

John was already asleep on my bed. I decided to leave him there and just sleep next to him. "Hopefully tomorrow will be better" I thought to myself, but I knew that it would all happen again.

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