Chapter Twenty-One - Mission, Part I

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I hadn't known Pasha for very long, but I knew already that I didn't like him. I clenched my jaw as I stood in the dark and watched him coerce my cabin-mates and utterly ruin my plan. I turned my gaze toward the sand at my feet, infuriated over my failure.

"Since none of this has really been up to you," Pasha continued, looking from one refugee to the next, "there won't be very much of a consequence for tonight's actions..." then he made a show of looking directly at me. "But don't expect this to go unpunished."

I kicked the ground, upsetting the sand into a cloud at my feet, and Eilo came up behind me and put his hand on my shoulder. Then he sighed, letting his hand fall to his hip. "It was a nice try, Avi. I admire your efforts."

"Thanks," I muttered, swiftly moving away.

That wasn't what I needed to hear at all. I knew he was just being supportive, but I didn't need a team of people who gave up when they were told to. What was the whole point of escape if we listened to what we were told?

"With this in mind," Pasha said, "follow me."

And so, with Pasha in the lead and Kit close behind, we headed for Master Romia, wherever she was.


Celive Romia paced in her office, her brows pressed down and her hands folded neatly behind her back. It had been almost two bells since Kit had told of Avi's disappearance, and now was not the time she needed him to be gone. She feared that Pasha wouldn't be enough.

She grumbled to herself once before the door opened, revealing Steph with a piece of parchment and a grim smirk.

"We're ready."


I recognized the buildings we snuck by as we passed back into the southern quarter, Torin, my cabin-mates, and I. And Pasha. I needed to lose him somehow or my meticulously thought-out plan would be for naught.

Yes, I agreed with myself and nodded once. He would have to go.

The edge of the moon peeked through a cloud and the camp got a lot brighter—not good for trying to keep ten people hidden. I looked at the hoods of Pasha and Kit, the only two people walking in front of me, and began slowing down and letting more people pass me until I was at the back of the group. I spotted Torin quickly and pulled him back next to me. He stumbled on his heels, then gave me wide eyes as I let his arm go.

I got near his ear and whispered, "The hooded person in front—the taller one—his name is Pasha..."

"Yeah, so?"

"...he needs to get lost."

He paused, falling behind the rest of the group, and I bit by lip, bringing him forward again. "I need you to find a way to get him away from the group and, if you can, keep him there. Can... can you do that?"

For a moment he just stared at me, incredulous, then he closed his mouth and pressed his brows down. He looked at the ground for a second, then pursed his lips and nodded. "You're gonna owe me so much for this..."

I shook my head and pushed his back, sending him forward with another stumble. I watched him for a second, then I went up to Eilo and put my hand on his shoulder, whispering into his ear. He gave me a confused look for a moment, then nodded. I went up to everyone else in the group one by one, to Kathim, then Oden, then to Tom, Raddi, and the others, and I looked forward again as Torin got up next to Pasha and smiled naturally, smoothly bringing out a hand as he spoke. My breath came nervous and I shuddered, the sand beneath me and the air around me feeling uncharacteristically cold. If this didn't work...

Suddenly, I remembered that I had an odd helper that might be able to change the situation. Could she manipulate other people...?

"No." Soha decided to join my conversation.

I knew that, but... well I didn't know that, but that wasn't what I was thinking, was it? I shuddered again, my own thoughts scaring me. I didn't want to hurt Pasha or Kit, did I?

Is there something she could help with, though?
"I am a spirit of many uses, Avi, but none of which you are ready for yet. The only thing I can assist you with now is the pain of your healing, which I have already been doing." I heard a certain chuckle come from her, almost teasing. "You haven't noticed your collar, have you?"

I paused, slowing down. No, I hadn't noticed it at all. I looked down at the sling and thought of rolling my shoulder, but decided against it at the possibility that her healing wouldn't work.
"I think you will find, however, that you have gotten severely distracted, child."

My mouth opened, then I closed it and shook my head. I looked back at Torin and went closer behind him, then I heard the last of what he was saying.

"...I think it would be for the best..."

Then Pasha slowly nodded, seemingly amused, and started following Torin when he slipped between one of the buildings. That left Kit in charge of leading the group back to Master Romia.

I locked eyes with each of the people behind me, then our footsteps became much, much quieter. I motioned to the left at the next building and slipped behind it myself, hearing muffled steps as the sand around our sandals moved away from us. I almost felt sorry for leaving Kit all alone, but... not quite.

An incredulous smile curved my lips as we took a detour back to my original plan, then I looked back at my cabin-mates. This time I looked confident, though I knew we still had a long way to go until escape.

I exhaled shakily and looked back in front of me, turning the next building, then the smile melted from my face and I came to a dead stop in the darkness, the dim lanterns on the path just bright enough to glint off the swords that awaited us.

————— • —————

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