The Boy With The Gun

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The Boy With The Gub

TRIGGER WARNING: Suicide attempt (Please please please don't read this if you think it might trigger you, I beg)

Rye's POV

You are worthless.

The world is better off without you.

Everyone hates you, don't you know that?

Kill yourself, like you're supposed to.

"Rye? Helloooo?" Andy's voice fades into my ears, "Rye! Oh for fuck's sake. Why can't you listen to me for once."

I look up at him and feel my heart sinking even further into my stomach. I'm such a horrible boyfriend.

"I'm sorry. I'm listening now," I answer him quietly, voice cracking just a bit. He glares at me and walks off. I look down and feel tears start to well up in my eyes. I wipe them away as I hear someone enter the room.

"Hey, mate. What did you do to Andy? He is really mad for some reason," Brooklyn says as he sits down next to me. I move away from him a little as I feel like he doesn't want to be so close to me.

"I was a shit boyfriend," is all I say back.

"I'm sure it wasn't too bad. You know Andy, always getting mad for stupid things," Brooklyn tries to reassure me. I smile weakly at his attempt to make me feel like less of a fuck up. I look at him and he is smiling his usual 'happy Brooklyn' smile, but as soon as he looks into my eyes, he stops smiling. It's like he could physically see the pain swimming around in my eyes and the voices yelling at me. He puts his hand on my knee but I immediately stand up and walk to the other side of the room.

"Are you okay?" he asks, hesitantly, standing up as well and walking over to me. I feel my stomach tie itself in knots and hear the voices getting louder.

Don't let him come near you. You know he doesn't care about you.

He thinks you're gross. Just look at the face he makes when he looks at you.

I turn around to look at his face and it's full of concern. And I know that but the voices keep telling me that that isn't true. They keep telling me that I'm crazy and he's actually trying not to grimace as he looks at my pimples and greasy face. I close my eyes and will the voices to just be quiet for a little bit.

"Hey," Brooklyn pleads, hand coming out to rest on my shoulder. I move away from him again.

"I'm fine," I say weakly. He shakes his head and once again starts walking towards me. "Please, Brooklyn, don't touch me. I'm fine. I promise. See?" I throw on a large fake smile, hoping to convince him. I need him to leave me alone before he actually breaks me or the voices make me lash out on him. But my fake smile doesn't work. He doesn't walk towards me again this time either.

You see? He's finally realizing that he should just give up on your ugly ass.

"I don't believe you, Rye," Brooklyn says. For some reason, I feel rage start to build up in my veins. Why can't he just leave me the fuck alone?

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