Chap 24 WAR

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Vagus POV:

After Chaos was freed from Order's control Redemption stopped acting like the major dick he was and started to try to live up to his name. Me and Harry had been hanging out a bunch if fact that was what we were doing when the couch horn went off three times. An attack.

"Lets go Vagus." Harry called already running for the battle I smirked but followed him anyway. I quickly overtook him reaching the battle field first with Harry struggling to catch up. Looking out at the army approaching us I couldn't keep the feral growl from rising in my throat when I saw several Damned leading the army with a couple Titans. Not Kronos though he can never reform and Atlas isn't here no one is stupid enough to quite literally take the weight of the world for that bitch. 

"What-" pant, pant, "-is wrong Vagus?" Harry gasped out when he reached the top of the hill. 

"Several of my brothers and sisters have betrayed the clan," I said pointing toward the Damned leading the army.

"But didn't you technically betray the clan too?" Harry asked. I sighed running a hand through my hair.

"Technically I never joined the clan, I'm loyal to Lady Chaos and Lady Hestia I never betrayed anyone the clan is the one full of the self-righteous arrogant assholes who can't even see past their own tiny-"

"What were you saying about the clan Vagus?" Redemption asked.

"That you have tiny dicks," I finished not even pretending to be ashamed as my brother face palmed in the background.

"Well I'm glade you can brush off probably the most important fight of our immortal lives to insult my manhood," Redemption sneered.

"Anytime," I snarked right back. 

"Ladies, ladies your both pretty can we focus on the giant army in front of us?" Annabeth asked. Harry jumped.

"When did you get here?!" He shrieked like the little girl he was. I smirked he glared right back.

"Well then Pussies I guess it's time to die!" I called a little too loudly though I heard Clarisse in the background yelling along with me. Redemption rolled his eyes but still smiled along with us.

"Then lets go die brother," Harry said. I smiled then whistled for my Thestral, Nico who came in along with Bianca. Me and Harry both mounted our steeds as we rode into battle I never felt more free. I slashed at monsters left and right while Harry slashed at monsters right and left. (Hehe I'm a bad author). Then a wave of power was sent through the battle field. Turning around to come face to face with my brother.

"You felt it too?" My only reply was a startled nod from Harry. Turning towards the source of the power I saw him. Order. He was actually the exact opposite of Chaos his form was clearly defined as male while his body itself was a reverse silhouette with bits of shadow here and there but other than that a completely white figure stood in the middle of the battle. Suddenly I couldn't see I was blinded by rage for what he had done to me and Lady Chaos, for what he put my brother through.

"Order!" I shouted. I leaped into battle with him. He sneered but fought anyway. He moved with precision and perfection, unlike Chaos's erratic and often unpredictable movements. And as suddenly as the battle began it ended with Order holding me in the air by my throat.

"Ah little Vagus wanting to get revenge for his precious mistress, how cute, but do you want to know a secret? I can't possess people much less Chaos, the one you should've been pointing your sword at is Balance but it's too late for that now. Good bye little Wanderer and I'm truly sorry for this but it had to happen." He said with little remorse. I felt my eyes widen as a sword was plunged into my chest from behind. I felt the skin around the wound began to die and turn to dust.

"No I-i c-can't die n-not n-no-ow," I chocked out as I slowly turned to dust. I felt tears begin to fall from my eyes.

Harry POV:

"NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed as I watched Vagus no Percy disappear. My eyes widened PERCY! That's my brother's name! How can I ever forget something so fucking important.

"PERCY!!!" The strained and painful voice of Hestia screamed. The Damned behind Percy or where Percy was stepped back holding a sword covered in silver, black blood. I felt the tears streaming down my face when Hestia walked onto the battle. She was no longer wearing her usual robes but instead gladiator style armor. She was holding a golden sword in one hand and my heart froze when I saw in her other hand was Reaper, Percy's old sword. Looking up I saw Treasure flying in also wearing armor. I hadn't seen her since Percy's first death, but I also had never seen her like this she seemed feral like foaming at the mouth feral. Hestia then hopped on Treasure and with a battle cry leapt into battle. The other Olympians soon followed but none fought braver than Hestia and my father. Both of who were fighting Order who looked slightly overwhelmed from fighting a Damned then fighting both Hades and Hestia all in the same day. He was starting to slow down. So I crept behind him and when both Hades and Hestia noticed me we all struck at once Hades and I with our single swords and Hestia using both. Said goddess then leaned close to Order's ear.

"This is for my Champion and son bitch," She growled. My eyes widened I never knew how much Percy meant to Hestia. Turning my attention back to Order he began to crumble not like what happened to Percy but more like when you crushed wet clay. 

Time Skip

We just finished burning Percy's shroud when Chaos pulled me and Hestia away. 

"Look I know what your going to ask me but the answer is no I can't bring Percy back from the dead," She said sympathetically.

"Well why not?!" I demanded. She sighed.

"The Damned are made from some of the rawest forms of cosmic dust in the universe. It would be like trying to bring back Void or any immortal being for that matter, but don't worry all Damned go to the same place after death. It is the greatest paradise and I believe you humans call it Haven." She explained.

"I am truly sorry for your lost," and with that she walked away. I turned towards Hestia.

"Ok now do you care to explain why you called Percy your son?" I asked. She smiled.

"When a Damned is born they are connected to a divine being like the gods. Percy was connected to me it is a bond stronger than many different things but it is the closes thing to a mother and son or a god and their champion. Percy was both of those too me." She smiled again, "I was wondering if it would be ok if I adopted you too, I wanted to tell you sooner but I couldn't and I was too busy and you were too busy and I-" 

"Lady Hestia." She stopped talking, "I accept." She smiled.

A/N: THIS IS IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Next chapter is the final chapter and the deadline for the cover contest! 

Until Next Time My Little Poppins!

-Blue Jay

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