Chap. 25/ Final Part 1

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Special thanks to @Alex-Fierro17 or the wonderful cover art! And sorry if I haven't responded to tags I don't know how so if you do please send the info to me! Also see if you can guess who Redemption was. Special Prize for the first three people to guess!

Harry POV:

Although we had defeated Order I couldn't help but feel like things weren't over yet. Like something else was coming. Though I mainly brushed it off as my demi god instincts. After Percy's death I found it hard to believe he was actually dead. According to Chaos he was in a place that's even better than Elysium with all his brothers and sisters, but it also meant that I would never be able to see Percy again. When Hestia adopted me it helped with my grief over his final death, Redemption didn't seem like it bothered him that much but with Chaos back he seemed kind of like a nice guy though he mainly avoided anyone who wasn't part of the Damned. I found out that when Chaos was being mind controlled most of the Damned were as well, the only ones who weren't were the traitors and Percy or Vagus as he was called. Talking to some of the other Damned I found out that Percy was somewhat of a legend among the Damned, gods, and mortals, renowned for his unbreakable spirit, and wild powers, that some say mimicked Chaos's, not to mention due to his strange powers he couldn't be controlled by anyone, bond yes, but never truly controlled. Shacking myself out of my thoughts I continued on my way to Jason and Piper's place. They lived in New Rome and I swear those two breed like rabbits. When Piper got pregnant at 20 we all knew this would never end. Not to mention how they had been very intimate since the Giant War. Not to mention how fertile Piper was. In the 50 years since Percy's original death they have had sixteen children and Piper was currently pregnant with quadruplets (four kids). Which was one of the main reasons she didn't participate in the battle. I think Jason was here fighting. When I reached their door I gave a soft knock on their door. Their oldest son who was forty-seven, Mica who also happened to be one of three triplets. (The children were born like this triplets (47 years old) (1 boy, 2 girls), quadruplets (41 years old) (3 boys 1 girl), twins (35 years old) (2 girls), twins again (24 years old) (1 boy, 1 girl), and quintuplets (five kids) (16 years old) (3 girls 2 boys) in total 7 boys 9 girls).

"Hey Mica what's up?" He shrugged.

"The sky?" He opened the door wider for me to enter. Walking into Jason, and Piper's decently sized home, I saw the large family sitting around their table, with Jason at it's head and a pregnant Piper on his right.

"Hey Jason," I said as I walked in Jason jumped up and ran over to me, embracing me in a hug, unlike myself were I preferred to look about 30, Jason and Piper choose to look about 25 to 29 it depends on their mood. 

"Oh Harry why didn't you warn us you were coming we could have fixed you a plate," Piper fussed, "And where's Ginny?"

"Ginny is back home in England, I'm heading back today, I just figured that I would stop by here and see how you guys were doing," I replied.

"Oh come on, we both know that's not all," Jason said. I sighed.

"Your right, you may want to sit down for this," I told them, the pair gave me a strange look but sat down on the coach nearby. With another sigh I explained everything to my close friends, Piper gasped, then burst out when I told her about what happened to Percy, Jason was by her side comforting her, their many children who all knew the story of Percy and his sad fate left them in shock, a couple of the girls started crying. Jason looked down mournfully. When he looked up I saw the unshed tears in his eyes.

"Harry, I-I'm so sorry," He told me, "If I had been there then maybe I could have helped save him or, or-" I shook my head stopping him.

"Jason you were needed here, you needed to protect your family," I placed my hand on his shoulder. 

"Yeah but there was still so much I wanted to say to him, so much I wanted to ask him," Jason said. Piper pulled him close for a hug.

"You can't change the past Jason," She said. After some more comforting words we finally exchange good byes, and I shadow traveled back to my house in England. When I walked in I saw Ginny sitting on the couch reading sneaking up on her I wrapped her up in a hug making her squeak in surprise.

"Harry!" She squealed. I nuzzled her neck, she already knew about everything since I had constantly IM'd her she was even able to talk to him for a bit.

"What are you doing?" She asked playfully. 

"I missed my wife," I told her nipping her neck playfully. She moaned, but stopped me.

"Harry, I know you, I know your upset about Percy," I sighed. Stopping myself, I place my chin on her shoulder.

"Yeah,  I am, but I think Percy wouldn't want me to be grieving," I gave her another playful look, "So does this mean no sex?" She giggled.

"Only if you want it," She said mischievously. I smirked.

"Then why don't we take this to the bedroom?"



"That was amazing," Ginny panted. 

"Not as amazing as you," I said nipping her neck again. She giggled.

"Do you want to go for round two?" She asked mischievously.

"You know it beautiful," And the rest of the night was filled with wizard sex. 

Chaos POV:

"Now we release you from your body. Vagus my Wanderer, come to us one last time and give us your wisdom, then you shall depart from this realm to your Heaven!" I called  who were in in a circle with me and the top. The other Damned joined in until, a beautiful blue white, substance began swirling around in the center of the circle. Until it took the form of Vagus, or Percy. He had a large gaping hole in his chest. His eyes had black tears coming out of them. He turned toward me.

"My Lady," He moaned, "Order was never your enemy, beware Balance the true enemy, they will destroy, everything and anyone who gets in their way! Beware! BEWARE BALANCE!" He screamed in pain. I felt the tears welling in my eyes, the other Damned were breaking down as well.

"I Chaos now release you from this plain of exitance go now in peace!" I choked out. His ghostly from began to swirl and shift then flew into my body. I gasped as I felt his powerful presence settling into Heaven. I sighed when I felt him settle and calm down while being healed by his fallen brothers and sisters. I had created Heaven inside of my body it was the safest place I could think of at the time to put it. 

"Milady, if what Vagus was telling the truth?" Redemption asked sounding scared.

"Vagus would have no reason lie besides this could explain so much," I said thoughtfully. I pointed at a female Damned by the name of Amore.

"Amore inform the Gods that the fight is not yet over," I ordered her.

"Yes Milady," She said as she rushed off. I know Vagus and he would never lie about something like this. Which meant my younger sibling Balance had been playing both me and Order for fools this whole time. It disgusted me but it looks like the war isn't over yet.

"Redemption prepare the others for war," I told him as I walked off.

A/N: Sorry for my long absence I have been having trouble finding the right words for this chapter. Something I would like to say is yes Balance is Agender, which means they identify as neither man or woman. Balance will be revealed later. And thank you to all my wonderful followers and those who have stuck with the story for so long! And yes there is only two more chapters left. Please enjoy them while when they come out!

Until Next Time My Little Poppins!

-Blue Jay

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