Chap 15

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Percy POV:

We were in the dorm currently. Pretty much everyone else was asleep except for me. I winced in pain, I lifted up my shirt reveling a strange black mark. If a doctor looked at it they would say it looked like the area had been poisoned.  It had grown over the past few years, now it took up most my stomach and some of my chest. The veins on the edges were black as well showing it was spreading. I winced as another wave of pain was sent through my body. I gritted my teeth to hold in a yelp of pain. Every since the first time I shadow traveled to America I've had this. When I had first our father, Hades, I asked him about it. He told me that it was a curse placed on all twin children of the big three, but since twins from the big three are so rare it wasn't common knowledge. Not even Harry knew about it. The thing about the curse was that unless I became immortal it would devour me. Either two things could happen as an outcome of the curse, the first being I would die, the second being I would become something else, someone else. I sighed and looked over at Harry's bed. He was snoring loudly and was half way off the bed. I shook my head and went over to his bed to make sure he didn't fall out of bed. After I replaced him into his bed properly, I sat back down on my bed. One day I'm going to have to leave him and he will be all alone.

"Whose gonna watch over when I'm gone little brother?" I asked myself, "It seems that even before we were born I was protecting you first from the curse then from Voldemort's wrath it seems that my loyalty will be the death of me." I shook my head.

"You're such a handful little brother," I said to his sleeping form.

Time Skip

"COME ON PERCY WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!!!!" Harry yelled while shaking me.

"Late? Late for what?" I asked.

"Ugh your so irresponsible Percy for our first day back at Hogwarts," Harry told me. I bolted upright.

"AHHH! I'M SO LATE!" I screamed. Harry winced.

"Hey keep it down will you," Harry complained. I threw on my leather jacket and jeans. I grabbed my black bandana and tied it around my throat then I grabbed my dark grey beanie and ran out the dorm to the dinning hall as I heard Harry laughing behind me.

Time Skip to food.....

I skidded into the dinning hall and threw myself at the Gryffindor table.

"FOOD! OH SWEET GLORIUS FOOD!!" I yelled as I started shoving food into my mouth.

"Percy stop that! It's disgusting!" Hermione yelled at me.

"Sorry Mione"  I said with a puppy dog look on my face. I looked over at the other demigods Piper and Jason were sucking each others faces so they were too 'busy' to notice my arrival. Peter was playing with his scrambled eggs probably thinking about Will, Annabeth and Leo were talking together at the Ravenclaw table, and finally Harry sat down next to me still chuckling at my race to breakfast.

"What are you laughing about smart ass?!" I demanded.

"Oh just that you weren't actually late to breakfast I just said that so that way you would get up," He said through chuckles.

"You little piece of shit," I said while flipping him off. Harry just laughed.

A/N: Yeah this is a filler chapter but you guys have been so good these past few weeks and I felt bad about you not having any chapters for a while. Also I have strep throat right now so I'm stuck in bed and I'm bored. Also I've been ubber tried lately since I've been sick. Which means I've been going to bed around seven or eight this is the latest I've stayed up all week. So sorry for not updating!

Until next time my little Poppins!

-Blue Jay 

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