Chapter 3: The plans

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Webby was confused about what to do about Diana, does she reunite with her, or stay with Dewey and the others? She needed guidance and she couldn't ask Her grandmother because She was too busy, Scrooge was too happy and She didn't want to ruin His only good mood. Donald was entertaining Jose and launchpads an idiot. The only person She could really ask is Della because She knows Diana by heart,She knows what it's like on the other point of view and besides asking Her would be like asking Dewey but in a women's point of view.

So the next morning webby walked downstairs to try to find Della She almost ran into Scrooge "Oh sorry mr mcduck"Webby said.

"That's alright webby darling"He said with a smile, She was about to walk away and then She heard Him say "Lass, you should call me Uncle Scrooge you are family after all".

That statement made her smile but feel guilty at the same time If she really was like family to them she shouldn't leave right?

She saw Della in the kitchen drinking coffee So she sat down next to her.

"Oh hello"Della said in a polite and gentle manner "It's webby right?"

"Yeah that's me"She said awkwardly "Can we talk about something?"She asked.

"Sure, what about?"She asked.

"You know Diana, of course"Webby stated.

"Of course"Della confirmed.

"Well turns out I'm her daughter"She said.

Della almost choked on her coffee "You're her long lost daughter?"She asked "I really should be use to this by now".

"She wants me to live with Her but I don't know if I should because everyone here is like family to me,but I really want to get to know my mom, What should I do?"She asked.

"That's a tough one I'll admit"Della said "But if you feel like you need to know more about Her then just go for it, Dewey will still be here when you come back"Della said then winked at her.

"Yo-You know?"Webby asked blushing a little.

"Webby come on it's a little obvious"She said.

Della told Her Uncle Scrooge, Donald, Jose and launchpad all about the ball and how desperately she wanted to go, She wanted everyone to come as a family it would be so beautiful and magical.

"Not happening"Donald said.

"And why not?"Della asked.

"well you people can go but I have to stay with the boys, like a responsible person"Donald said.

"Jose what do you think?"Della asked.

Jose looked at Donald then looked at Della "Wow you can really see the family resemblance"He said changing the subject.

"Uncle Scrooge?"She asked.

"Sounds like a great idea Della darling"He said "Donald beakley can watch the boys"He said.

"I'm sure She has more important things to do"Donald said.

"Not really"Beakley said "I have no problem with it whatsoever".

"So it's settled!"Scrooge said.

"Jose shoot me!"Donald said.

"Sorry amigo but panchito is the violent one"He said.

"Dang it"Donald said, He went to the kitchen and packed Huey and Louie's lunches, And He told them that's mrs beakley was watching them tomorrow night.

"Where you going?"Louie's asked.

"Some dumb dance your mother wants to go to"He said

"That's a bummer"Louie responded.

"Just be good while I'm gone ok?"Donald asked.

"Hey since us kids will be here alone, Can we invite a couple friends over?"He asked.

"As long as Mrs beakley is ok with it, You can invite one friend each"He said.

"Thanks Uncle Donald"Louie said.

Huey and Louie were at school, Huey tried His best to stay away from Jeanette at all costs. "Huey man up and talk to her"Louie said.

"Talk to her, are you crazy?"Huey asked "She's a nutcase!"

"A pretty nutcase"Louie said.

"Shut up"Huey said as He put his books in his locker. "Besides you haven't talked to your crush".

"First of all Did I hear you call Jeanette your crush?  And second I don't have one"He said

"Yes you do, what would you call minima?"Huey asked.

"A friend that comes with trouble?"He said questionabley "I don't know".

"Well I know you like Her"Huey said.

"Ha, She wishes"Louie said.

Meanwhile Jeannette comes up to them to say something snarky as always "Hey looser, ready to sign up for early college admissions?"She asked "Oh that's right, you're unqualified".

"Can't you come up with anything original?"Louie asked.

"Go lick a tree"Huey said then grabbed Louie and walked away.

"She is unpleasant"Louie said.

"No kidding"Huey said as he rolled his eyes.

"Good thing She's Hot huh?"Louie's asked.

"That's why you're never getting a girlfriend"Huey said.

"Hey we should invite Jeanette tomorrow"Louie said.

"No way that's just stupid"Huey said.

"No, stupid is printing out "Save the trees" posters when paper is clearly made of trees"Louie said then Huey Hit him upside the head.

After Webby heard about the dance she was excited to be at Home with just the kids, Her grandmother doesn't usually bother them so it'll be pretty fun, She went to Dewey's room. "Hi Dewey, How ya feeling?"She asked.

"I'm so ready to get out of this house!"He said.

"Well I wanted to ask you about tomorrow night"Webby said.

"Ok"Dewey let her continue.

"Do you think it would be ok if I invited Lena?"She asked.

"Of course"Dewey said.

"Good because she's like my best friend"She said.

"Best?"Dewey asked.

Webby realized what she said then awkwardly shouted "No, Not best!"She then spoke softer "You're my real best friend of course"She then laughed awkwardly.

"I was just joking webby"Dewey said "So what should we do now?"

"I'm sure if we put our heads together we can think of-"Webby looked at Dewey's head "Oh never mind"She laughed.

"Haha really funny"Dewey said sarcastically

"Tired of staying in bed all day?"Webby asked.

"I'm about to loose it!"Dewey said loudly.

"I'm going to make sure we have fun with everyone tomorrow, Even you, yes you dewferd Duck the one who can't move whatsoever!"She said in a dramatic narrative voice.

"What?"He asked:

"I'm going to get ready!"She said happily "I'm so excited!"

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