Chapter 3

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Now Jurina and Anna already inside Jurina's room. Somehow Jurina successes pursuing Anna, and here they're now in Jurian room. Anna cannot believe with what she saw! She can see that Jurina body lying on the bed with a lives supporting machine attached to her body. None of them making any sound, only the heart monitor constant beeping can be heard in that room. Jurina can see that Anna still in shock state, she try to catch Anna attention by clearing her throat.

"ehem.." Anna turns her head to Jurina who was standing beside her.

"You see right that I'm not laying" open up Jurina. Anna only can nod little.

"Bu-but.. how come?" asked Anna. She turn her head to unconscious Jurina and walk nearer to the bed.

"I don't know too.. when i wake up, I was already in this state" explained Jurina.

Anna saw the name plate in Jurina bed, and it was written that Jurina already five days admitted to this hospital, which means she's already in comatose state from five days ago!. "say again.. you just woke up this morning right?" asked Anna again.

"Uhmm.. I just woke up this morning" nodded Jurina.

"That's mean you're already in comatose state from five days ago"

"Whattt?? How do you know? I don't even know how long I already in this hospital!" said Jurina unbelievable. Anna looks at Jurina with 'duh' face.

"Did you even read this?" Anna pointing the name plate in Jurina bed.

"what is that?" confuse Jurina "I even didn't realize that thing was in there"

"Seriouslyyy??" said Anna unbelievably. Jurina walking nearer to her bed and looked at the name plate and read it contents.

"Oh! It's true! I have been in this hospital for five days! You're so genius Anna-san! I'm not wrong to choose you as my savior! ahahahaha" Anna only rolled her eyes seeing Jurina laughing over silly things. Anna look over Jurina room and she can know that Jurina must be from a rich family! Heck! Her VIP rooms is no different from a five stars hotels vip room!.

"So? What can I do for you?" asked Anna who now facing Jurina.

"hmm.. I don't know to be honest.." answered Jurina sheepishly.

"What?? Seriously??"


"Oh gosh! Listen Jurina-san.. I'm not a Shaman! I don't know how to do spirits ritual shit to put back your soul into your own body! How can I help you then?" said Anna.

"Well, about that.. hmm.. c-can you be my mediator then?" over Jurina.

"Mediator? What do you mean?" confuse Anna.

"Well, it's like you're my spoke person.. yeah spoke person! I mean so far it is only you who can hear and talking with me! I want you to be my mediator so i can communicate with others.. Because I need to talk with my fiancée" explained Jurina. Anna trying to digest Jurina idea, its kinda risky tho..

"how?" asked Jurina. Before Anna answered Jurina question, someone enters Jurina room.

"Sae-san?" murmured Jurina.

"Who are you?" asked the person who just entered Jurina rooms to Anna.

 Anna take a glance at Jurina asking for some help.

"What should I answer? Who is she?" mouthing Anna.

"Just said that you're my friends, she's someone that I close to" said Jurina.

Getting no answer from Anna, Sae walk nearer to Anna who standing beside Jurina bed and asking her again for the second time.

"I'm sorry Miss who are you again? And what are you doing in this room?" asked Sae.

"Ah! I'm so sorry for being so rude.. my name is Iriyama Anna, nice to meet you" said Anna while bowing to Sae. "I'm here because I hear that Jurina-san got admitted to this hospital. Since my grandma also admitted to this hospital I just take a visit to her room, I'm her friends by the way." Sae seems not so pleased with Anna answer, both Jurina and Anna can see it from Sae expression.

"hmm.. So you're Jurina friends?" asked Sae again.

"Y-yes" said Anna. Anna glanced at Jurina and mumbled some words "what now? She seems didn't believe me!"

"don't worry just keep going.. she will trust you anyway" said Jurina assuring Anna.

"Well, Iriyama-san.." Sae haven't finished her words yet but Anna suddenly cutting off her words.

"Anna.. just call me Anna or Annin" said Anna.

"Okay then Anna-san.. Well, you see right that Jurina already in this condition for five days?" Anna only nodded listen to Sae words. Anna can see that Sae face becoming serious now.

"I was put in charge for her case, my name is Miyazawa Sae" inform Sae. "I'll be straight to the point now.. Lets we take sit first" offered Sae. Anna takes glance to Jurina and Jurina only nodded.

Both of them now sitting in the sofa facing each other, since Jurina room is VIP room the room kinda had its own privileged, like sofa, LED TV and refrigerator was provided in that room.

"First, I want to ask you a few question regarding Jurina, I hope you don't mind" said Sae.

"O-of course it's okay for me"

"You said earlier that you're Jurina friend right?" asked Sae. Anna nodded unsurely, and Sae clearly can notice it.

"Hmm.. I see.." Sae can see that Anna looks nervous somehow.

"Can you relax a bit? You make Sae-chan suspicious of you" Said Jurina who now sitting beside Anna.

"Shut it!" whisper Anna harshly to Jurina.

"Pardon?" Ask Sae when she thinks she heard Anna said something to her.

"O-oh no-nothing.. ahahaha.."

"Nice.." Mocked Jurina. Anna elbowing Jurina who sit beside her, and somehow its work and Jurina groaned in pain.

"Ughhh! What the?!! Its hurt ya know! What's the point being in a spirits state when I can't get the privileged as ghost!"
grunt Jurina. Anna choose to ignore the lost spirits who still groaned in pain.

"Miyazawa-san.. actually what really happen with Jurina-san?" Asked Anna. Jurina who also curious with what happen to her, waited for Sae answer patiently. Both Anna and Jurina see Sae sighing deeply before avert her gaze to Jurina who lay in the bed still in comatose state.

"Well, I guess you already heard the news about Jurina right?" Anna nodded and waiting for Sae to continue "She got shot.. eventhou the operation was success but Jurina still ended in coma state.. Till now the police still searching for the culprit." Explain Sae.

"Anna-san.. how long you know Jurina? As I remember I never see you before I think.."

"Ah.. hahaha.. we.. we.." Stammer Anna. She was unsure how to answer Sae simple question.

"Just said we just met last week or months" said Jurina.

"Ehem.." Anna clearing her throat, and smiled little to Sae "Actually I just got to know Jurina-san last month.. She was helping me and my grandma that time.."


"I was so surprised when I heard that Jurina admitted to this hospital! Last month she's helping me to bring my grandma to this hospital" said Anna.

"wow nice acting Anna-san!"
Jurina amazed with Anna acting.

"I see then.." Sae starting to believe Anna after hearing her explanation. Yes, Jurina is that kind of person, eventhou from outside she looks like ignorant, but the truth is Jurina is a kind hearted person.

"Can you asked Sae-chan where is my sister?" Said Jurina to Anna.

"How?" muttered Anna.

"Just ask why nobody with me in this hospital? hurryyy"

"Okay.. okay! Calm down will ya!" Hissed Anna cause Jurina keep nagging at her, and of course Sae can see Anna weird antics.

"Err.. Miyazawa-san c-can I ask you a question?"

"Sure, what it is?" answered Sae.

Anna take a quick glance of Jurina room surrounding before her eyes meet with Sae who wait for Anna question.

"Why no one here with Jurina-san? I thought since she involved with that mysterious accident, her room will be guarded by bodyguard 24 hour/day. I heard from Jurina-san that she had older sister, but I haven't seen her.. I'm sorry if my question lil bit rude"

"Ahh.. its okay.. Well, didn't you meet with Jurina fiancée earlier, she always coming here every day, and about her sister.. for now her sister cannot come, its family matter actually" Said Sae.

Jurina only looking at Sae suspicious. Family matter what? What Mariko doing right now?.

"Ahh.. thank you then.. I think I should go back to my grandma room now" Anna standing from her sit position, ready to leave Jurina room. But Jurina suddenly grabbing Anna arms, preventing Anna from leaving her room. Anna shift her vision to Jurina, with question plastering in her face.
Anna try to break Jurina hold while talking to Sae.

"Its pleasure to meet you Anna-san.. and thank you for coming to see Jurina" said Sae.

Finally Anna success breaking free from Jurina hold. "It's okay.. I'll visit here in another time.. I hope everything is going well" smiled Anna. For the last time before she take her leave, Anna glancing once again to Jurina body who still laying in the bed before shift her eyes to Jurina who stand beside her.

'I'll see you again tomorrow' Anna mouthing to Jurina. And Jurina just nodded hearing Anna words.

With that Anna taking her leave and going back to her grandma room. All that happening to her today is just so bizarre!. 


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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2018 ⏰

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