I'm Sorry

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I apologise to all those who have been psyched to read this story and believe me, I was psyched to publish this. I just wanted to relive my childhood by implementing one of my favourite childhood movies with something that many people love. I had so many people help me in this to make characters but I need to say one thing. I lost a lot of inspiration into making this story because I couldn't come up with any good ideas for this story. I tried many ideas to try and find a way to make this entertaining but my mind kept on going blank. I do apologise if you wanted to read this story but I just can't get myself to write this. The ones that I have to apologise the most to are FlashPhoenixBirmanna and MinunAmour. The reason I would have to apologise to them the most is because Phoenix and Anna were happy enough to be added to the story and Minun spent time to make its cover. I feel bad for ending this so suddenly but I do have one thing to say. If anyone wants to actually see this story, you can write it yourself in your own way or just imagine how you think it will end. I hope you all understand and I will go onto finishing "The Detective and the Thief", starting on "The Freelancers" and hopefully make a future story that might have some similarities to Iron Fist. Cheerio everyone.

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