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Finian was a mixture of excitement and anticipation as he gently tugged the Nightmare further from Lee's house. He finally stopped and turned around. "Wh-where should we go first?" He asked out loud.

Alistair looked thoughtful for a moment before his lips widened into a grin. "I'd like to show you my favorite place as a child." The nightmare reached out his hand. "Come with me?"

The human's heart skipped a beat at the offered hand, but he didn't hesitate to place his own hand into it. "Is the place very far?"

"Not if you ride," Alistair answered with a devilish smirk.

The Nightmare tugged Finian into his grasp. Alistair was much stronger than he looked, able to easily toss the human teen into the air. Alistair shifted in the blink of an eye into his equine form. Fin landed across Alistair's broad, dark back.

A loud gasp escaped Fin's mouth when he found himself on Alistair's equine back so suddenly. He wrapped his shaky arms around the Nightmare's neck and tried his best not to squeeze his sides too hard. "Are you alright? Did I hurt you?" He asked.

Alistair's whinny sounded distinctly amused. "I'm well." Fin heard the Nightmare's voice, though he wasn't sure how he was speaking. "Are you ready for a ride?"

A smile formed on the younger man's face. "Yes! Let's go!" He urged.

Alistair gave Finian a moment to get himself comfortable, then started off at a cantor. Fin leaned forward and Alistair increased his speed. The Nightmare's hooves pounded the path, thudding the ground. To Fin, it felt like he was flying.

The human had never felt so free. As they rode through the different paths of the city, they passed several Unicorns and Nightmares in all three of their forms. They were traveling too fast for him to know if any humans were in the mix, as well.

Finian looked on as they began to travel further into the city. He saw what looked like a closed off town in the distance and was surprised when the Nightmare slowed down to a trot until he stood before a set of gates. A moment later, the gates opened, and the two of them walked through it. The human peered behind them as the gate quickly closed.

For a moment. Fin thought that they would continue to walk on foot, but he was mistaken. Alistair took off once again, deep into the paths. The younger man came to realize that they weren't in a small town. They were actually in the Montcroix estate!

People bustled around, busily going from one task to another. Each one spared them a smile and a wave or a friendly hello as they galloped by. They rushed through a small woods, splashing across a meandering stream. At the edge of the woods, Alistair slowed, stepping carefully until they emerged from the trees to find themselves at the rear of a large building. Alistair peered around before kneeling on the moss to let Finian off his back.

"Is this part of your home? The entire way here was beautiful!" Finian commented in awe.

"This is where my siblings and I grew up," Alistair explained as he returned to the form Fin was most familiar with, human. "My parents could move into one of the newer homes, but they say there are too many memories to leave behind here." Alistair took Finian's hand. "If we're careful, we can avoid my parents, but I want to show you something."

"Why are we avoiding your parents?" Finian wondered in a whisper as he followed the older man.

Alistair grimaced. "They love me...very much."

"Overprotective like Jack and Lee?" Fin prompted with a grin.

"Somewhat, yes," Alistair's voice quieted as he carefully opened the back door. "More like...exuberant."

Lust and Chastity (Lust Series- Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now