[CHAPTER XIV] Honest Feelings

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ACT I scene iv

The old man, most likely in his late 70s, turned out to be a violin artisan. His home was his shop and at every corner were violins on display. The scent of wood was refreshing and gave off a soothing aroma. He took the boy in without conditions as he didn't seem to have any family of his own.

Not only did the old man make violins from scratch, but he also repairs them. The shop was located in a musically-pleasing city. There were many street performers and theatres as well. The city was also home to a famous music academy and many famous musicians have graduated from it.

The old man was rather busy just being alone. He accepted all kinds of offers and repairs without asking for too much in return. He simply wanted to earn enough for survival and continue operating his little shop.

"I was once so addicted to the instrument that I became obsessed with it. This poisonous addiction... I can't get rid of it. Not anymore. This is all I have left until the day I die. I regret it. I regret selling my soul to the devil," the old man told the child.

The child never asked the old man what he meant and despite knowing all that, the child never left the old man's side.

"My name is Giovanni," the old man said, "what's your name, my boy?"

The child took the old man's hands and wrote his name with his fingers on Giovanni's palms.

"Noah. Is that your name?" he asked.

And the boy nodded.

Noah grew fond of staying with Giovanni and as he grew older, he also learned that Giovanni wasn't only an amazing artisan, but a wonderful violinist as well. Giovanni played the violin beautifully and every note that was played, the boy felt like dancing to them. Along with Giovanni's tunes and Noah's dance, both felt alive once more.

Every day was peaceful and the two lived with content. At least until things started to go wrong...

"Here, drink this," Wonshik poured a cup of tea for Hakyeon.

"Thanks," Hakyeon said and looked around the younger's house. "I didn't notice it the last time, but you really don't have much at home, do you?"

Hakyeon once stopped by briefly before to listen to Wonshik's composition, but aside from the recording room, he didn't really go anywhere else.

"Well, I'm mostly at my studio or somewhere else for work, so there's no need for anything more," the younger told him.

"I see, makes sense."

"So, what's the matter? What do you want to talk about? Were there any problems with the musical?" Wonshik worried.

"No, nothing wrong at all," Hakyeon reassured him. "I just..."

"Hmm?" Wonshik looked at him.

"I really want to thank you for everything and the opportunities that you've given me through this musical. Even the lilies you've given me are beautiful and I want to tell you how much I appreciate all you've done for me," Hakyeon sincerely expressed his gratitude towards the younger.

"That's nothing. You deserved it. You've worked hard for this and have only ever exceeded my expectations. I knew you'd be perfect for the role and you proved your abilities through your performances," Wonshik smiled.

"T-thank you," Hakyeon felt a bit shy receiving all those compliments. "Wonshik-ah, you mentioned before that you've watched one of my performances in Tokyo, right?"


"My memory is vague but were you the one that I met in the elevator once after one of the shows and told me that I..." Hakyeon swallowed nervously.

"That you're beautiful?" Wonshik said it for him. "Yeah, so you finally remember?"

Hakyeon nodded shyly, "why didn't you tell me? There was no way I could remember that brief moment and weren't you wearing a mask and all that day?"

"Yeah I was but I'll never forget that little encounter we had."

"Thank you..."

"It's nothing and you've thanked me enough. I should be the one saying that to you instead. Your performances and your passion for the things you do have always inspired me to continue with what I started out with. I was on the verge of giving up because of the pressure and expectations, but when I watched your performance... it changed me," Wonshik finally told Hakyeon.

"Really? Because of me?" Hakyeon found it hard to believe almost.

"Yeah," Wonshik said. "That's why I should be the one to thank you instead for helping me get back on my feet."

"Then what about the lilies?"

"It's to show my gratitude to you."

"Glass ones? Why not real ones?"

"Real ones will wither eventually, and their beauty will fade, but the glass ones won't. They're delicate, but beautiful. With enough care and love, their beauty will remain eternal," the younger said. "Did you prefer the real ones instead?"

"No. It's just... why me? These kinds of things should be given to your lover or something. Don't you find that strange?"

"I don't think so," Wonshik didn't understand.

Hakyeon was touched by Wonshik's genuine honesty and he found it difficult to contain the feelings he had for the younger after all.



"I- These past few months getting to know you and everything you've done for me, I don't know where to begin or what I can do to repay you. But I really want to cherish the things we've gone through together. I wasn't going to say anything, and I did have my share of doubts because I don't want to ruin what we already have. But if I don't it now, I might go crazy just thinking about it."

"Huh? What do you mean?" the younger was obviously confused.

"Because everything you've done... it's made me fall for you. I like you Kim Wonshik. Not just as a friend, but I like you as in... I love you," Hakyeon confessed.

"Me? You like me?" Wonshik was baffled by the unexpected confession. He's never thought about it nor did he ever expect anything.

"So, what about you?" Hakyeon asked.

"I... don't know," Wonshik found himself stuttering and avoiding the older's straightforward gaze for once.

"Everything you've done for me, not even once have you thought about liking me?" the older was skeptical. "Did you really do all those things because you want to just thank me or see me as a friend?"

Wonshik was speechless.

"Fine. I'll give you time to think about it. I won't tell you to forget my confession nor will I take it back. I just want to let you know how I feel about you. I can wait for you. I'll wait until you're ready to tell me what you really think about me. Am I really just a friend to you or can I be something more? I love you because of your sincerity and honesty so, I want you to be honest this time too," Hakyeon said firmly with confidence.

Wonshik was taken back by this side of Hakyeon. He's only ever seen such confidence in the older when it came to performing on stage, but there was this side of him too. However, there was a slight problem.

How does Wonshik truly feel about Hakyeon? Is Cha Hakyeon only a friend and a muse or could it be something else? Something more?

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