Chapter Two: Mystery Guy

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I didn't know where to go,so I just kept walking. Eventually I ended up at the park. I couldn't walk anymore, so I took a seat on a tree. My world had just crashed down right before my eyes. Jason and Em were my world. They were all I had left. My parents died about a year ago, so I was put in this foster home. If you can even call it a home my foster mom is hardly even there. The only reason my foster mom, Kate, keeps me there is because shse gets a monthly check. Most of the nights I would have been alone if it wasn't for Jason and Emma. But we all know how that ended up.

Man, I am so depressed. It must have showed because this guy came up next to me and sat down.  "Why so blue?" asked the guy. First he was super cute, with his blue eyes and and dirty blonde hair. Seond he has this contry accent that will drive an girl completly insane.

"Boyfriend cheated on me with my best friend in my own living room," I replied.

"Sounds rough. My situation isn't that differnt from yours." He said

"How's that?" I asked, we were both sitting down looking blue. I found it interesting how complelte strangers could be almost crying over the same exact thing.

We sat in slience for a couple minutes and then he finlly took a deep breath, and said ,"My now ex-girlfriend was making out with my brother . When I waked into the kitchen, I cleared my throat to see if the would look up, but no. they just kept kissing. They finally looked up when I yelled 'MAX!!!! CHOLEE!!!!!!!' "

"Wow, your own brither would do that to you. I am so sorrry," I said sympathetically. 

"It's all cool. So when did you find out about they affair?" He asked

"Like half an hour ago,"  I answered. I loked up at him and the first thing I saw was his dreamy blue eyes. He looked like he actually cared about what was happening in life,un like any other guy on this stupid world. Jason would never just sit down and listen to me go on and on about what was going on, it was always all about him.  

I snapped out of my day dream when he said," Wow that's really rough, I have known aboout my Ex-girlfriend and my brother for a couple days now. This was the first place i went when i found out too. I guess it's just something about this place. How are you holdin up?"

"Honestly, I feel like crawling into a dark corner and stay there for eternity." I said. 

He scooted closer to me and put his ar,m around me squeeze a little bit and then said,"Don't give up, there are other guys out there that aren't complete jerks. See maybe that guy throwung the football over there could be you new boyfriend or that guy. There are many guys out there. Maybe you'll get married to a prince charming," he chuckled.

First thing that came to mind was maybe I already did. I giggled a little bit. This mometn couldn't get an better,but of course all good thing come to an end. Ding Ding, his phine rang. He grabbed it out of his pocket, and answered it,"Hey momma, just at the park, yes ma'am, ok bye." He hung up the phone then said," Awwwww mann. I gotta head home. Mom wants me home for dinner," he stood up and held out my his hand to help me up. I took his hand and stood up. 

"It was great meeting you, maybe we can hang out sometime soon,"  he gave me that half smile grin. "Oh and the name's Jake." 

To be honest I was a little sad when he said he had to leave, but I said," Yea let's hang out sometime soon, very soon, and my name is Riley."

He thought for a couple seconds,"Hmmm Riley, I like that name." He winked, gave me that half smile and turned around and walked away.I couldn't  help ,but start to blush. I stayed at the park for another hslf hour then started to head home. My phone was on silent while i was the park, I figured that Jason and Emma would try to call me. I was right, I had 27 missed calls and 48 text messages. Guess who they were from. We have a winner, Jason and Emma. I hit the ignore all button and continued walking home. 

When I came home Jason was sitting on my doorstep. "Babe, you had me worried. Where were you? Can we talk about what happened?" 

I rolled my eyes and got my key out of my sweatshirt and unlocked the door. I walked in and Jason followed me in. "Rilely, your going to have to talk to me sooner or later. I know your mad , but we can get through this. Please just talk to me. Please,"Jason pleaded. I stayed silent. I walked into the kitchen and washed my hands. I grabbed my phone out of my bag when a note fell out. I picked it up and it said

Text me 209-800-8081

I knew I was blushing and I kinda felt bad about it. My ex-boyfriend was sitting here begging me to talk to him while I was blushing because a stranger wrote me a note. Why is life so hard? I realized Jason was still here. I said "I will text you later, right now I just need to be alone." 

 He got up and said," Promise you'll text me?"

I replied,"Yea,yea."

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