The cage is open, but the bonds still hold

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Violets POV
We walked in and Count Olaf started singing some kind of introduction for him self... I didn't like it and I don't think Klaus or Sunny did either. We went to the kitchen to begin making the pasta.
"Klaus, there's a piece missing to this machine. Do you think there's something in our room?" I asked while showing him the gap in the pasta maker.
"Yes, I think one of those rocks will actually fit perfectly in that hole." I nodded and went upstairs to get it. Before I opened the door I heard a voice.
"Don't let them see you? How am I supposed to do that now?! Should've just stayed out of this whole ordeal." I slowly opened the door to see a giant cage with a girl in it. Her (E/C) eyes and (H/C) hair reminded me of my older sister.
"Who are you?" I asked closing the door quietly. She paced in the small circle that she could from within the cage.
I was seriously contemplating whether or not to tell my younger sister the truth. The word contemplating meaning to think seriously about. My sisters eyes bore into me while I paced, an old tick of mine. Tick in this sense does not meant a pesky insect you'd find on dogs or cats, instead means like a quirk or habit.
"My name is Julia Quartz." My voice sounded cracked and rushed. A lie, I just lied to my family's face. I've never thought to stoop so low. Violet seemed to buy my fake name.
"Well Julia, why are you in a cage at this awful mans house?" Suddenly, before I could answer Violets question, Olaf burst through the door.
"I went into the kitchen just now and noticed someone skipping their chores. Tsk tsk tsk." Olaf shoved Violet out of the room.  He turned to me with a harsh glare.
"Do you see this?" He held up my family photo, and a necklace I thought I had lost years ago.
"What about them?" I returned the glare.
"These are the items that were supposed to go to Dr. Montgomery from your will. Now explain to me why there is a strange note on the back of this photo," he flipped it over showing a note revealing a code, although, obviously, he couldn't figure that out.
"And why the locket on the necklace won't open." He proved that by trying to open the locket completely oblivious to the code lock on the locket. I rolled my eyes and stared at the man. My heartbeat speed up again. When I get out of her I'm going to a doctor.
"How the heck am I supposed to know? I haven't seen that stuff since Violet was born." I sneered. He let out a sigh of annoyance and walked to the cage. "I've heard a lot about you, (Y/N). Your parents used to talk all about the "gifted" child. So let's talk business now. I want the fortune and what ever is in this locket. You want your freedom and your siblings safety. I'll give you what you want if you give the same to me." He smirked. His expression gave him away. If I gave him what he wanted, he would kill me or worse.
"Never." I spat at him. His smirk turned to a sneer.
"Fine, I guess we'll have to beat it out of ya. Be ready for tomorrow, Julia Quartz." He said my fake name with so much venom a king cobra wouldn't have survived. He slammed the door as he left and the entire house shook. I slid down into a sitting position with my knees at my chest. If only I had my matches I could be out of here in an instant. I slowly drifted to sleep as a single tear slid down my cheek.
(Time skip bc your asleep)
I woke to yelling downstairs. A loud gasp was heard and suddenly Klaus burst through the door with tears in his eyes.
"You ok?" I asked. He jumped and turned around.
"Klaus are you ok?" Violet walked in and jumped. She must've forgot about me.
"Who's this?" Klaus pointed at me.
"I'm Julia Quartz though I guess Violet forgot about me." I leaned against a bar.
"I did forget, yes. I'm so sorry." I shrugged.
"Happens to the best of us." Klaus smiled softly and looked to his sister who also smiled when she saw him.
"What?" I questioned.
"Our older sister said that to us once." Klaus started.
"We were making cupcakes and Klaus being a little older than six wanted to help." Violet laughed softly.
"I face planted straight into the icing. I wanted to cry because I messed it all up." Now he laughed.
"But our sister told him, 'Don't worry I it happens to the best of us,' and put her face into the icing bowl." I smiled at the thought that they remembered that. Unfortunately I had to be the bearer of bad news.
"Where is you sister?" Their smiling faces stopped and quickly turned into a frown.
"She- uh, She died on my 10th birthday." Violet said. Klaus looked at his sister.
"No, she was pronounced dead on your birthday. She very well could be still alive." You have no idea Klaus.
"You mean that (Y/N) girl?" I pressed my plan forming as we went. They stared wild eyed at me.
"Yes that's her name." I smirked. And walked to the door.
"Then your in luck! She is alive and I'm a close friend. If you get me out of here I can give a message from her to you. She said that I have to make absolutely sure nobody would hear other than her siblings." They looked at me and nodded. Violet tied up her hair. Within 3 hours I was out of the cage, thanks to Violets inventive mind, Sunny's teeth, the fact that Klaus recently read a book over lock picking, and that Olaf was dumb enough to leave some rock to the kids. I told the kids the '(Y/N)' sent a message to find Montgomery Montgomery. I went to leave but, when I reached for the knob something stopped me. Honestly it feels like I should stay here... I sigh. I run to Olaf's room. I spot my brass knuckles and a pack of matches. I sneak over and grab them. He's obviously a heavy sleeper. I rummage through my bag finding ropes.
"I'm an idiot." I whispered. I placed my brass knuckles and matches in my back pocket. Then I went to the kitchen and ate a plate of pasta. I sat on the couch, I wrapping the rope around my torso and legs.
"Good luck sibs. I hope you're smarter than I am." I said as I went to sleep on the couch. Dreaming of flames yet again.

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