"H-Hello! My name is Meara. I'm 18 years old, I have short brown hair, blue eyes, and I'm 5'6 I also-" she was cut off by her teacher Mrs.Ravin. "Meara you know there are no cameras in school..." the tall women whispered. Meara fell silent. "I know...I can explain-" she was once again cut off as a little laugh by the teacher. "dont worry, just dont do it again ok?" Meara lays the camera down gently and sighed heavily "ok. right after that the bell rang, her face lit up cause it was friday and that meant she would be able to go to the graveyard with flowers for the graves. She jumped up and ran to the door. "Meara no run-aaand she's gone." she ran to her locker quickly shoved her binder textbook and notebook in her bag then slammed her locker and swiftly moved through the halls and blasted out through the front doors and out into the fresh air and took a deep breath and started to walk down the the street to her house a smile spread across her face as she walked. When she arrived at home her mom stopped her from running into her room and leaving just as fast as she arrived."why Hello dear~." she cringed and turned to her mother."H-hiiiiiiiiiiii mmmoooommm..."the mother rolled her eyes and sighed "be home by 10:00" "12:00?" she asked trying to get more time. "11:59 exact dont. be. late. " she hugged her mother tightly,"THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!" she yelled loudly, then bolted up the stairs into her room. "Ok I got my bag, flowers, phone, and pocket knife ....what am I missing...OH!! I need to grab a umbrella just in case it rains." while talking to herself she grabbed a black umbrella and speed walked down stairs and out the door, smelling the rainy air as she walked opening the umbrella and placed it on her shoulder. vary faintly she heard something and looked around but assumed it was nothing and went or her way, finally reaching the graveyard. "ahhhh~ hey Janet" she placed a flower on a grave with unreadable words except the huge words carved in saying "Janet Walter". because of water ageing most of the graves were unreadable but some of the names were still legible, she said hello to a few more then made her way to a nearby bench and sat down...she fell asleep....

VampireThis is the start of a new story series that I've wanted to do for a while I will try to upload one or more chapters a day, well let me tell you a bit about the story, it's about A girl who is really into dead people, like OBSESSED and one night she...