Chapter 2

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                     darkness, all she could see was dark, that's how most of her dreams were but this felt different. Almost like she was floating through her own mind slowly starting to see a light but when she neared it she saw a vision. she was dead and a man was standing over her as she bled out and before she could yell out to him she woke up. the same man was walking down the path coming towards her.                                                                                                                                                                                 She quickly stood up trying not to look terrified like she really was on the inside. she started walking to a different path that went into a forest. "no on ever goes there..." she thought trying to calm herself but as she went into the forest he still followed, she tried picking up her speed and he did the same. Soon enough she was running, and he wasn't close behind her, the trees seemed to grab at her as she felt her anxiety grow.                                                                                                         her legs growing tired but she knew she couldn't stop that would be her end so as she was running she grabbed a nearby stick prepared to fight for her life. she ran towards a dead end breathing heavily while finally reaching a stop.  she looked at all the scratches on her from the bushes and branches that scratched her while she ran. As she turned around quickly with the stick in hand with a defensive pose she saw him. He wasn't panting, it looked as if he wasn't even breathing she looked at him strangely then shook her head.                                                                                       " GET BACK I WON'T HESITATE-" she was cut off by him speaking.                                                                 "Meara calm down dear~ I just want to help you~" he stepped closer and she stepped  back.                                                                                                                                                                                             " DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE GET CLOSE TO ME" she raised the stick and he sighed.
                     " I didn't want to do this the hard way.." he raised his hand as he ran at her  to quick for her to hit him as he bit roughly into her neck as she struggled he held her in a loving way but she kick him straight in the gut he bent over not in pain, just surprise as he let her go. she screamed in pain and began to run out of the forest all the way home and into her room, she yelled and screamed as her mother tried to get in but was all in vain as she drifted into unconsciousness the last thing she saw was her mother burst through the door then black.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2018 ⏰

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