Teaser / Prologue

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Don't Forget to Follow both me and @babbling_brooke, Vote and Comment!

My breathing was harsh, coming out in short, sharp breaths as I ran through the dark halls of the school basement. I could hear the unnatural shrieks and moans echo, as my shoes smacked against the cold tile floor. A soul shattering scream came from down the hall only to be abruptly cut off. I stopped to look around, clenching my fists at my sides I drew my lips into a tight line as I tried to slow my breathing. Which way do I go? I can't see shit but pitch black darkness.

"Fuck," I hissed as I heard approaching footsteps.

"Hey dumbass," I heard a familiar taunting voice say. I turned and was met with a beam of bright light. Harlow stood with a hand on her hip and a well-known smirk spread across her face.

"You may be the pretty twin but I think it's quite clear who the smart one is." She sauntered over to me tossing me a small flashlight."You do understand that we're twins right?" She shrugged her shoulders and walked past me a way as she shined her light down the hall.

"So tell me carrots what was your genius idea, to just wonder the dark underground until you face planted a wall. Or just rot in a corner when you got lost and hope those things from back there won't find you first?" I grimaced at the nickname I had been given when I was little.

"For your information, I haven't been called that since you left, and I hadn't thought that far ahead, okay." I snapped back at her watching her flinch at my words. She turned at me and glared.

"Don't start that shit now Piper, we have your mommy's little bundle of joy to save, so why don't you just shut the fuck up and grow up. You can't continue to blame me and dad for the damn divorce." I glared at her.

"Emmy." She gave me a puzzled look, " OUR mother's bundle of joy has a name and it's Emmy, and for your information, I don't give a fuck about you or our father. Right now all I care about is saving OUR little sister. So either help me get the hell out this shit hole or get the fuck out of my way." We stood there glaring at one another looking into a darkened mirror, the same green eyes staring at one another. Her face softened for only a second with what looked like hurt but hardened quickly. She stiffened as the wails from earlier had drawn closer.

"Whatever Piper," She sighed, " Just lead the way." I turned my flashlight on and directed it toward the direction she had shined hers. I began to walk, flinching every time I would hear a distant scream that would then be abruptly cut off. The hall would be left in silence after that, I shivered at the eeriness of it all as I navigated around boxes. Catching up and falling into step beside me, Harlow looked at me for a few seconds before looking forward.

"Umm, so like um, what's Paul like?" I smiled at her attempt to create small talk.

"Awkward and quiet as usual."



"Well, what is it like?" I gave her a questioning look, " You know," she took her left hand readjusted the crowbar she had used earlier in her hand, " What is like living with mom." I raised my eyebrows and made a small "O" with my lips, nodding my head I looked forward again.

"It's okay I guess."

"You guess?" I huffed throwing my arms up in the air.

" I don't know Harlow, it's cool, it's great. Mom is never there, fucking Paul is antisocial and awkward and Emmy is their shining star. I don't know what you want me to tell you." Her face became unreadable and she stopped talking. For the next couple of minutes neither of us said anything, the tension thick enough you could reach out and touch it. Then the sound of something wet being ripped apart reached my ears. I stopped as I flashed my flashlight toward the sound. Harlow let out a loud hiss as she stepped back gripping the crowbar in her left hand into a ready position.

Laying before us looked to be one of the janitors and today definitely was not his lucky day. My eyes traveled across his body to see blood and intestines everywhere and a small women stationed at his belly digging into his stomach.

"Piper," Harlow hissed through her teeth,"Get that light off of it and let's walk away before it notices us." I slowly turned my beam away from it and began to tiptoe backward. Harlow turned around and quickly speed walked the other direction heading back, away from the danger.

"Come on, hurry, turn around you idiot before you tri-," before she could finish I fell backward over a box. The contents rolling out with a loud metal clang. My beam had focused back on the small lady again and as her emotionless white, pupilless eyes met mine, she let out an earth-shattering wail as she lunged directly at me.

Alyssa Janelle's Authors Note: Hey Lovelies! I and my wonderful friend @babbling_brooke  are so excited to bring you this epic adventure! If you have any questions feel free to ask but neither of us is going to be giving up any major details. Feel free to also go through and comment on any place you feel needs work, we're open to constructive criticism. Well, that's all for now! Don't Forget to Follow both me and @babbling_brooke, Vote and Comment! 

Side note I want to give a shout out to @simplyrhee they've been a real help going through and editing what the both of us don't catch, you should also go give them a follow for their awesome help! Okay, I'm done! Bye Lovelies!

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