Unknown number

11 2 0

Unknown: get me a baked pretzel

                                     Y/N: oh uh dude
                                   Ur talkin to the
                                    Wrong person

Unknown: oh im sorry


                               Y/N: its okay bye

Unknown: wait no your the only person who returns my texts

                             Y/N: okay but i don't
                         Wanna talk to some 
                          random person who
                          Could be some old man

Unknown: okay, hi my name is
Finn im 15 years old and im a
Boy wbu?


                           Y/N: well i think your
                             Lying, 100% honest?

Finn: 100% i promise

                     Y/N: well i halfway trust

Finn: pweaseeee
Im 10000000000%

Y/N: weelll you could be telling the truth

Finn: yayyy

                            Y/N: i didn't say u were

                        Y/N: i wont tell you my
                         Name but i will tell you
                        My age and if im a girl or
                        Boy, get it

Finn: yeah

                        Y/N: hi im Y/N im 15
                         Years old and im a girl

                         Y/N: oh shit i wrote my


To be continued



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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2018 ⏰

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