He Watches Over Me

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I've always been interested in "ghost" stories and really just enjoy the history of places and people. I have never seen a ghost in person and I don't think I'd every really want to, to be honest! But I do feel that we can sometimes be in touch with those who have passed on, for whatever reason.

So my first story involves a very dear friend of my family who was killed in a car accident about 4-5 years ago. He was like a father to me and was loved by so many people from all walks of life while he was on this earth. After his death, I started having dreams about him.

In my dream, I would always be out somewhere in public, like at a store or walking into a building. As I would be going through the motions of a regular dream, I would walk past him. Like I would do in real life, in my dream I would turn around to see him again. Sometimes he would be turned and walking away from me but other times he would just be standing there, smiling at me, like he was happy to see me and just wanted to watch me for a second.

This incident happened about a year ago. I stopped having dreams about him, which I really miss, but I was in a sporting goods store one day when I saw what I thought to be my friend across the store. I know in my mind that he is gone, but that seemed so real to me that day. I even told my mother about it, who told me she has dreamed about him and has had feelings that she has seen him out and about too.

I'm not really sure how I feel about trapped spirits or anything like that, because he is definitely not someone who would fit that category. I just believe that he still wants all of us to know he's still with us, and wants to remind us that although we may be sad and hurting some days that he is in heaven and is happy to be exactly where he is.

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