Strange Sounds and Opening Doors

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June 8, 2013 - I apologize in advance for how disjointed this is.

I'm not wasting any time before I post this. I've been reading many stories on this site and I've been trying to be as rational as possible but this just can't be explained.

It may sound silly but it was enough to send me running downstairs to my parents' room, where I was hiding out while writing this (I'm 21 and this feels ridiculous).

Could someone offer an explanation as to how my bedroom door (a HEAVY wooden double door) would just open inwards on its own?

I heard strange noises. Like men arguing or shouting as I approached the door but I dismissed it thinking it could be sounds from the street or something.

Just a few weeks ago I saw the scary face of an old woman a few seconds before a male voice spoke into my right ear something along the lines of "let me introduce myself". I was wide awake, sitting in bed. This, of course, terrified me and I haven't slept in there since. I've been sleeping on the floor or couch or guest room or anywhere else I can.

So after hiding for a while I gathered enough courage to go upstairs again, asking my little sister to go in with me. I figured I'd rather face whatever was up there before the sun went down.

We found that the balcony door was also open. If this had been wind, a strong, very strong gust of wind (in the summer, 41 degree Celsius weather!) it might explain why the balcony door was blown open. But how on earth does it explain why my bedroom door opened!? The wind would need to be blowing on the other side, so if anything it would shut the door, not open it! - a fact my sister pointed out.

My sister had also been telling me she hears strange noises coming from my room. My brother, who sleeps in the room directly beneath it, said the same thing. He claims he hears weird bangs (at times when I'm fast asleep or not in the room), while my sister says she hears sounds of a strong wind moving around my room.

I did get chilly in there, back when I actually used to sleep in there. One strange occurrence that kept taking place was that I'd place a glass or bottle of warm water next to my bed and when I woke up it would be really cold like I'd just taken it out of the fridge. Maybe there's a normal explanation for this?

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