Unexplained First

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I have experienced strange things all through my life, but one of the times I clearly remember was when I was house-sitting my late grandparents' house.

I was around 18 years old and house sitting with my two cousins of around the same age, while waiting for the house to sell. My cousins slept upstairs because they believed strange things where going on in the basement. So, being the only male there, they voted and elected me to have the downstairs basement bedroom. I did not mind, I just thought it was funny that they were so spooked.

One day I was taking a nap and I woke up to what I thought was my door opening and closing again. The room was dark so I kept my eyes closed. I figured my cousins were trying to scare me. This was confirmed when I heard some quiet females giggling. So I decided to turn the tables on them and jump up at them when they reached my bed. I stayed still and listened to the quiet suppressed laughter and the slow footsteps approaching my bed. Step by step they came closer. When I heard that they were right beside me, I launched out of bed with a giant ROAR! Only to see that not only was the room completely empty, there was nobody in the whole house at that time.

Once I told the two girls, it confirmed that I would have the basement to myself because, after that, they would not even go down the stairs. I was not scared at all though. I felt no fear for the playful spirit, so I had no qualms about staying there.

A second story to tell and I would like some input on it.

I was in college in London, Ontario and driving a friend home around 10 PM one night.

She lived in a residential area a few blocks from the river. I dropped her off and headed home, but on the way home not far from where I dropped her off, I took a wrong turn and ended up on a street that must have been right beside the river.

It was dark and there was a light fog on the street. I started noticing that it was not a usual street. The first thing I noticed what that there where no street lights, or any lights at all. The second thing I noticed was that the road was made from bricks instead of asphalt.

Looking at the houses I noticed that they all looked older and lived in, but there was no movement anywhere. Kind of in a daze and feeling a little goosebumpy, I was about 3/4 of a block down the street when I turned around and slowly drove back to the main street.

I have been back to that area to see that street to figure out what was going on. I have never found the street again though. Any time I pass that area when I am driving around town, I keep venturing over there to see if I can find it, but I have never had any luck or explanation for it.

I can assure you I was not on any drugs, or extra tired. I would believe that my mind was playing tricks, but it all seemed so real. Yes, it could have been a new development, that would explain the no lights, but all the houses were finished and like I said before, they all looked older and lived in.

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