The Illusion of Perfection

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    Merriam Webster defines perfection as; "the quality or state of being perfect: such as
freedom from fault or defect".

    In pure simple English its lack of any faults whatsoever, in other words to be completely and utterly well perfect. Now perfection to everyone is different for each culture, for each individual. The notion that this being of pure perfection exists is to put it blunt is complete and utter shit. There is no perfect look, there is no perfect diet, there is no perfect anything nothing in this world is without flaw, you understand, no one.

Hindu Guru's and Buddhist monks as well as in eastern culture have spoken of chakara inside the body or energy inside the body that is  locked by our own mind. Now we don't have an avatar state per say that we want to get to like Aang, but we all have goals in life whether they be large or small that we set for ourselves that we never achieve due to these mental blocks. Things like meditation and certain other things can help you unblock these chakara and give yiu control of thought and mind and make you better than you ever thought possible.

The illusion of perfection spreads into surroundings, "this city on a hill mentality ". These don't exist the utopian society you were hoping for doesn't exist, everywhere has their issues. I hear it all the time people complaining about where they live, complaining about the country they live in, and you know the first thing I always think when I hear this is; you work a 9 to 5 job with a roof over your head, a smart phone with celluar data, there is no major famine where you live, there's no religious police, there's no civil war destroying your country, your government isn't in the pocket of drug lords, you and your kids aren't starving and you don't have to worry about being killed by wildlife and you damn sure don't worry about where your next meal is going to come from, so shut the hell up.  There are millions of people who would literally kill to have just have a steady meal everyday and a house to sleep in that isn't a hut made from mud.

This utopian society where everyone in the world is nice, no one's homeless , there's medical coverage for everyone, there's a chicken in every pot and a car in every garage doesn't exist and never will exist so make do with what you have. You don't like your circumstances instead of complaining do something about it, no one every changed the world by complaining all day.

Holding yourself, the people around you and where you live to this standard of perfection only diminishes what you have. You hold yourself to such high standards that you're never going to be able to reach your just going to fall short and feel depressed attacking yourself. "You stupid fucking idiot why couldn't you......" enter scenario here, angry talk is fine, angry self talk can motivate and make you become great but constant attacks of yourself makes your worst enemy the person staring back at you in the mirror. Resenting yourself, not loving yourself, forget about love not even liking yourself makes you unable to truly love another and causes constant troubles within your relationships down the line whether it be romantic or platonic.

You as a human being can only do so much and as much as you want to do more as much as you want to go above and beyond it's just not possible. If you find yourself constantly attacking yourself, constantly insulting yourself , take a step back and look at what your standards and try your best to adjust them and if you can't do it on your own don't be afraid to ask for a little help.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2018 ⏰

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