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Websters defines potential as capability of development into actuality. In the only way i know how is something of capable of developing into something completely different. Everything has potential and has the ability to develop over a period of time   into something new whether it be good or bad. 

A tree is strong and proud standing tall above us all and gives life to many asking little in return from those benefit from it; but like all other plants it started as a seed covered in dirt and given water to grow strong and proud, and the more you add to it fertilizer, and compost and water but it all starts with dirt and everything you add to the dirt gives it nutrients making it soil but it starts with nothing but dirt. And like that tree we are made from dirt from a hole and have to be given food, water, a warm place to sleep, safety, clothes, love and care, and that allows us to grow. 

But then when we grow and become conscious of something that plants don't have to deal with this thing we call society and you become aware of these molds that other people have you conform to or else they mock, slander and belittle you tossing more dirt onto this plant trying to grow trying to poke free but they keep tossing more dirt onto the plant. And over time you find other like minded people and this little sprout turns into a sapling as you go into middle school and now that they can't bury this sapling with just dirt they start trying other things to tear this sapling down they, kick, spit, pester and verbally abuse, testing your merit trying to make you break trying to snap the small slender trunk in half trying to make it fold. 

What can you do your a sapling not a full tree yet your roots are sort of strong but your trunk is weak, you find ways to keep from snapping but the trunk starts wear thin but stands; now they need a new thing to take out so they grab their shovels and start digging trying to tear the roots up. You don't know why they are so persistent on tearing you down what's wrong with them, What's wrong with you?

"Me" you start to think i'm the issue" you look in the mirror and "finally see what everyone else sees" one large problem. "The problem has always been me, I chew weird in lunch, my hair is dead in parts and brittle not flowing and healthy like everyone else's, I don't have the new Jordan's so i'm poor and all my clothes are ugly why did my mom even buy these, if i don't put on 6 layers of makeup i'll look like a burnt troll doll, my family can;t afford WiFi so i don't have the hottest new social media or know any of the new trends i'm stupid and poor (I can keep going I've heard damn near all of them). These things don't make you "weird" it doesn't make you "unpopular" it makes you, not sound generic but you and you can't change that, sure you can apply your 6 layers of makeup and buy all of your clothes from Hollister, and wait 6 hours outside of foot locker to buy the new Jordan's but will that truly make you happy? Sure you get some people off your back some more people deem you as "normal" and maybe you make a few more "friends"; it won't end this process tomorrow, it's your feet are too big, you have man hands, have a neck-beard, you smell funny, you have hairy arms so on and so fourth. 

The thing you have to learn as a person other people don't live your life, they won't ever have your voice, your big feet,  your man hands and they damn sure won't have to deal with the same things you do, so what in the hell does their opinion matter to you? They can't live your life for you this isn't freaky Friday, they don't have a genie, or fairly odd parents, hell they don't even have a body swap machine, there is no way for them to live your life so they don't at all matter nothing they say matter because it doesn't effect them. 

Just like you they are just saplings trying to grow because everyone has the potential to become strong independent trees. Remember Potential being the key word of the day boys and girls, everyone has the potential to be anything they want I don't care if you were born blind deaf and dumb Hellen Keller was an award winning novelist, a political activist and earned her bachelors degree in a time where women and disabled people were oppressed. 

  The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart. Helen Keller

Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/helen_keller_101301 

You have the potential to become a Nobel Prize Winner, an Academy Award winning actor/actress, a world champion, a renowned surgeon, a five star chef, or even the best damn 7/11 clerk you can be and no one can stop you because remember that the dirt others toss on you and the massive shits life will take on you, that some of earth's greatest creations have started as a seed a single cluster a hope  and have developed into strong and sturdy redwood trees. 

Just because bad things have happened, or you've constantly fuck up doesn't mean you can't go out there and do something amazing with your life, 1 thing just 1, it is small but we can not let anyone take that from us. In my years i found a particular quote from my favorite that taught me a little something.

"Our integrity sells for so little but it is all we really have it is the very last inch of us, but within that inch we are free" .   -V for Vendetta

Everything we are is held to just one inch (figuratively speaking) we must never apologize for it. we must never let them take it away for within that inch we are free. I know your scared, i know your tired and i know you want to die because you have been chopped to down to mere nothing chopped down to just that one last inch, but you have the potential to do more you have the potential to do something no one else has done you have the potential to get your back off the canvas and move forward this is your silent friend signing off. 

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