The Canvas

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I've used this metaphor and this video in previous books but this is my favorite metaphor to use to relay the message. We question why we're here, we question why we still fight,  we fear that we're better than others we become insecure that we are better than others so we come down to their level lowering ourselves to be accepted, we as people give up before we even try seeing a challenge and backing down because we don't know what will happen we don't want to end up back onto the canvas because we've been struggling to scrape through the rounds as it is. 

The reoccurring theme here is the adjective of we; you see we as a species have our basic needs met (food, water) we some of us struggle with safety and shelter but that's a different issue entirely, you focus too much now on social standing on little things on proving things to other people proving that you're not a nobody. 

And as Rudy said you have nothing to prove to nobody but you. we as humans have spent years proving our worthiness but little time actually trying to make ourselves happy. Ladies you buy thousands of dollars worth of makeup to make yourself pleasing to others when the only person you need to look good to is you. We let people make our decisions for us, let others opinions of you dictate what we do when they don't live your life, they don't have to live with the consequences, they don't seek the benefits, and they damn sure will take credit for anything good that happens so don't let people that  don't matter dictate your life. Will Smith has a really good quote that i like for this topic. 

They're opinions don't matter you hear me don't matter, there is a difference though between this and people just trying to help

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They're opinions don't matter you hear me don't matter, there is a difference though between this and people just trying to help. 

If you ever feel like your pressed into a corner or you feel yourself falling down onto the canvas reach out and try to get help whether it be therapy or just grabbing a friend and just download everything onto them even if they get annoyed because if you leave that toxicity inside you, it'll chip away at you inch by inch till they get to the last inch and you end up eating the barrel of a gun so please get help. 

Like the video says the canvas is no place for a champion YOU  the one on the toilet reading this right now your capable of more than murdering toilet you can do things you never dreamed imaginable. Get back on your feet make sure your still pretty and hit your Sonny Banks so hard his mama gets a headache. 

And for my brother and sisters who think they're alone in they're fight your not alone they are other people who have been where you re and i know I've made you watch a lot of videos this chapter but i just finished watching The Punisher and one scene in particular that stayed with me. 

Some of us have been in the dirt far so long we think this is where we belong but i'm here to say we don't belong in the mud and dirt, i won't lie to you can't just get out the hole all in one day but that first day helps that first step, that first hand that first move to climb out is all it takes then you do the next and the next and finally you get out the hole but you can't just get out the hole all at once it takes time and the love of people around you to get out the hole so let them out. 

No matter your problem, no matter your background, no matter your situation you can get out the hole and that soldier who is gonna get in the dirt with you that soldier with you and i'll carry you out this hole on my back if i have to but i'm not leaving you in the dirt. But i can only help you if you want it now ask yourself this one question. 


Now when your in the shower later tonight or when your looking at your phone later and you see yourself in the screen or just look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself that question am i ready to stop being in the hole, am i strong enough to get up off the canvas, am i ready to get back into the fight? 

If you come back unsure that means no and i highly suggest you think about this heavily  and figure out how you ended up in the hole and is it really worth it to stay there. This is your silent friend signing off. 

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