Boundless Love #7 {✔️}

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Recap: Laksh took the "blame" on his head. Being weak. Ragini is unaware of the truth.

Now it's been a few weeks, since Laksh lied to the family.

Swara and Ragini were playing with Shona.

Swara was looking at her, "Ragini... hmm you don't mind it if I ask..?"

Ragini frowns, "Swara What? Just ask me I won't mind it!"

Swara smiles, "you know being a mother is a big job. But it fulfils your life. Having Laksh as a life partner you have your own crazy child. Maybe it isn't that bad, how would you handle him and the child?"

Ragini thought, "Swara you are saying it like Laksh can't do anything. But he is much more mature than you can ever imagine it."

Laksh was hearing it as he was hiding behind the door.

A whisper

"Laksh mere Bhai... it is not gud to hear the talk of them... we will get punished."

Laksh smirks, "Sanskaar Bhai what are you doing...?! Don't push me😠😊"

Sanskaar was shocked, "Laksh!"

Ragini stood up, "Sanskaar Bhaiya don't you dare! I'm warning You!"

Laksh hugs Ragini, "Haan Ragini look na he is trying to hurt your husband, oh sorry according to Swara Bhabhi your child. How bad na! You have to keep me save." He kisses her cheek and hides behind her.

Sanskaar was trying to find the right words, "he was listening to your talks. I was just."

Swara fumes and stood up in anger, "Shut Up! Shona don't become like your useless father."

Sanskaar pouts, "Useless. I created her."

Laksh nods, "Half way... Bhai relax your work was done the moment... aaahh my ear."

Ragini was twisting his ear and pulling him out of the bedroom of SwaSan.

Ragini glares at him, "you are disgusting!"

Swara pushes Sanskaar, "like him, get out!"

Ragini pushes both. "Bye!" and slammed the door.

SwaRagini laughs loud. *Hahahaha!*

Adarsh and Pari were gone out and the men's were sitting at the hall.

"Maa!!! Maa!!"

AP comes running toward him, "uff Laksh control!"

Laksh was looking at her, she was ready, "Maa where are you going?!"

Sanskaar was suspicious too, "haan where oh Maa you too?!"

Sujata was happy, "Uttara has called us."

AP very excited, "Haan she wants some support."

SanLak nods, "Oh okay and our food?!"

AP and Sujata glare at them, "Make it yourself!"

SanLak scares. They turned to their father's, who hides their faces behind the newspaper.

SanLak smiles, "we have wives!l

They rushed up.

Sujata glares at them, "when we return food should be ready."

AP nods, "haan!"

DP smiles, "Sure."

RP smirks, "how can you even think it won't be?!"

Boundless love - RagLak (✔️)Where stories live. Discover now