Part VII - Apology

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The kitten above is the type of kitten in the story.


"Pepper, please." I beg my girlfriend to stay, but she doesn't listen and continues to stuff her clothes in her suitcase.

I watch helplessly as she sweeps the whole room, grabbing all of the stuff she owns.

She zips it up and extends the handle, starting towards the door.

"Can you at least tell me why?" I yell, hopeless and broken-hearted.

She stops in her tracks, shaking slightly. Then she whips around and storms towards me.

"You..! I can't do this anymore Tony! You throw yourself into battle like you are immortal but you are not!! You are a human like everyone else! That stupid suit of armour is just a mask! It will not protect you forever. I'm scared that one day you will go to fight and then poof, you're gone. I... can't." She is in tears as she walks back out, leaving no trace of existing in my life.

"I'm sorry..."

I fall to my knees as I hear the front door slam. I thoughts fly out of my head as I scream and yell, balling my fists and as tears stain my face red.

She's gone.


My bike's engine revs to a stop as I pull up outside the facility. And thank god.

The kitten wanted to sit in my jacket while drove back so I tucked in my shirt and placed him in there.

But since he was so close to my chest he decided to start to scratch my stomach everytime I moved, so basically every second.

I hop off my bike and rip my jacket off, then I carefully untuck my shirt and pull the kitten out.

"Naughty." I rouse on him and he shrinks back into a ball. He looks so guilty with his tail still and his pupils full.

I sigh, then peck him on the nose. His tail swishes and he looks happily back at me.

I place him on the ground to follow me and walk towards the building, lugging the shopping bags with me. I look back and see him slowly trotting along behind me.

A smile spreads across my face to watch follow me around.

"Scout," I say, grinning when he runs into my leg and look up. His tail swishing happily at the new name, he waddles in front of me and sits at the door, waiting patiently like a house trained cat.

I stroll up to the door and open it with my foot, my hands being full of groceries to use them. Scout runs out into the house, circling back to me to see where I go.

I place the groceries on the counter and start to put them away when Nat walks in.

"Hey Steve, feeding the house again I see." She stalks over and to help to put away the food. Scout hides behind my leg, out of sight.

"Nat... close your eyes for a second." I say, figuring it would be the best way to introduce Scout and her.

She furrows her eyebrows but closes her eyes. I lean down and put my hand under Scout, lifting him up to be on the countertop.

"Open." I tell her and she does.

She looks around for a second before her eyes land on Scout, who is sitting silently staring back at her.

"......what?" She asks, still having a wicked staring contest with Scout.

"This is my new kitten." I explain the last couple of events, including when I got Chayse's number.

"I KNEW IT!!" She screams, pointing at me.

I stand there in shock for a couple of seconds before my face morphs into complete confusion.

"Wait, what are you talking about?" I ask, not being answered.

"Clint!" Nat yells down the hall, later followed by an angered grunt and stumbling coming towards us.

"WHAT." Clint yells back, even though he is not even five metres away.

"STEVE'S GAY!!" She exclaims, jumping up and down, whilst holding Scout. How did..?

"What?" Pietro comes from the hall and leans against the frame of it.

"What are you talking about?" Wanda comes from behind Pietro and puts her hands on her hips.

They all start asking questions and generally getting louder and louder at each other. I see Nat place Scout on the counter and he runs over to me, hiding under my hand.

"Guys?" I whisper. They keep arguing.

"Guys!" I shout. They argue louder.

"SHUT UP!!" I scream, my patience runs out and I burst, still having no clue what they are arguing about.

All goes quiet and awkward, so I grab Scout and his stuff and stomp into my room, slamming the door behind me.

I sigh and slide down the door, cuddling my kitten to my chest. He meows softly, so softy that it is almost impossible to make out.

I rub his back then place him down to roam around my artwork decorated room, pictures of scenery and people.

Scout leaps up onto my bed, it being close to the ground making it an advantage for him. He twirls in a circle before making himself comfortable in his new home. His sky blue eyes silently thanking me for helping him.

I think what Natasha said to Clint before the argument started, trying to piece together what happened.

Nat said that I was... gay? I'm not gay... I just asked that dude for.. his... phone number... Wait, no no no this can't be true, I've liked girls in the past.

Like Peggy...



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