Chap 2: I don't know her but I'm pretty darn sure.. That I don't like her!

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Louis' POV

"Haz! Have you seen my superman boxers? I swear I got them out of the laundry this morning?" I knocked at the maroon colored door.

"Uhm ... No. Come to think of it my favorite Calvin Klein boxer briefs are missing too." Harry frowned at the thought while he sits upright at his king size bed.

Ugh! This constant disappearing of items, Especially OUR clothing has got to stop. I mean sure that our butler didn't took them.. I mean he's a guy. What would he do to my boxers? It's not even his size.

Then suddenly I heard a noise coming from the kitchen.

"Oh shit" Me and Harry said in unison and got ourselves out of the room and ran downstairs and went straight to the kitchen.

We heard a girlish scream from Niall's mouth..

That would be funny if we weren't in this situation..

When I first entered the kitchen I saw a guy in a hoodie standing at the open pantry... Opening a bag of chips. He was put the chips in a Ziploc that had a name NIALL'S FAV. CHIPS... This guy has this weird laugh even his breathing was weird...Not to mention too creepy

"Hey!!! That's mine!! Hands off you .. you .. guy with a hoodiee !!" Niall whimpered trying to act tough.. But we all know that he's too creeped out that fear was spilling over him...

The guy turned around and guy turned out to be a girl?? Her eyes bulged when she saw the two...Her chappy lips form into a creepy smile the revealed her braces as she drooled while staring up and down at the two..

Creepy stalker girl.....

"Ookaaayy .." l said awkwardly then hide behind the curly haired boy who's as shock as I was.

Niall leans closer to Harry and whispered, "Dude ... Tell her to put down my chips and well... Tell her to go home ..." Niall shifts his weight from his left feet to the other... Trying to act as less freaked out.. And less nervous.

"H-harry Stylessss....Oh my god...Niall Horan...heheh...Louis Tomlinson...You're all hear in front of me..." the girl kept on drooling while she eyed each and every one of the us . Her stare made us nervous...

"I have you now my dearest," She said with voice dripping with possession and animalism which made me dyed in white, full of fear.

"R-RUN" I screamed and ran to the nearest room we can find which was Liam's. We opened it and locked the room and let out a breathe of relief..

"Guuyss ?? What's going on??" Liam asks nervously putting down his book and stares at us suspiciously.

"Tthee—rre is a creeeeppy girl wh—o is inside the hooo-use ... " I stammered while I crept shakily under Liam's covers .. "She's gonna geet uuusss!!!" Niall whispered yell, cowardly wrapped himself by Liam's covers..

"Oh god! Is this my death is going to be...Please god no..." Harry sat near the bed rocking himself back and forth... "You guys watch too many horror movies ..." Liam raised them a brow. He got up put his robe on and stood in front of them.

"N-no...don't let her come in!!" I tried to stop him mate from opening the door.

"Nobody's gonna die ... If there really is some girl who's gonna get us ... We should've heard Zayn screamed by now." Liam said as-a-matter-of-factly with his right hand on his waist.

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