Chap. 3: The Pauper Princess

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Niall's POV

Ever since the whole creepy girl trespassed our house and stole our stuff, me and the lads aren't our usual selves except for Liam. he still didn't believe us. He think it was all a prank to get him. Zayn secured all his hair products in a mini vault he bought a few hours ago... Harry sat at the couch writing his last will and testament  just in case the girl comes back and he keep on muttering about Cupid and his dream girl...

Oh Harry...

But Louis was the worst though. We had this plan bout who's goin' to capture the girl so we played a game of pick-up sticks which Liam had at his drawer...

"Don't ask." Liam gave me the eye. We gave each other a blank stare and shrugged.

So anyway, Louis lost. After that he was gone for a good few minutes. We all got worried so we came out of Liam's room and looked for him ..We found his standing at the porch looking all red. Harry asked him if he caught the creepy girl he just him a death glare before confessing he didn't caught the girl. Since then, He got cautious about his boxers and hid it on a secret compartment he found out recently.

I heard them talking in hush tones when I passed by Lou's room...

"Harry are you sure this boxers aren't hideous?" Louis asks shyly and stretches his boxers in front of Harry.

Harry let out a low chuckle.

"Yes Boobear you look hot and sexy" He smiles genuinely at Lou.

"Are you sure? I don't want my manhood to be insulted by this boxers that covers them..." Louis asked in a hushed tone. Wtf? I refrained myself from laughing by bit my lower lip and stare at my foot.

"What?"  Harry asked with controlled chuckles making Louis pout.

I ignored the conversation and got back to the kitchen and sweeping the broken chips lying on the kitchen floor it makes me angry...

The girl stole my babies...Ugh...

"Ugh.. Where is that Butler when you need him?" I whined and I dropped the broom frowning at the sight of broken chips scattered in the floor. "I'm too tired of sweeping...seeing how my babies died by that creepy girl.. Makes me want to weep. Where is justice when you need one?" I sat near Liam who was reading a book about security system.

"It's at the grocery store  ... Here.. Take that and Go buy yourself something to eat..." Liam nonchalantly said and gave me my wallet and shooed me away.. Liam said something about studying a book titled 'A Dumb's guide towards House Security. He is determine to find ways to secure the flat we just bought recently.

Liam could be mean sometimes.. I pouted to myself while marching my way towards the groceries.

After a ten minute drive I arrived at the Walmart.. I parked my car and got out .. I stared at the huge sign saying 'Walmart'

"So now.. I'm here at the groceries, since all of my food were destroyed..."

My thoughts were cut when I saw a nacho stand inside the grocery beside the entrance door.. "Ohh!"

I was about to go in the grocery when I happened to pass by a brunette girl who's crying outside the grocery. She was sobbing silently with her palms on her face, her body trembles while clutching over her satchel. I felt bad for her state.

I wondered why? I turned to my left and saw a coke vending machine.. I fished my wallet and pop a bill to the slot, pressed the buttons and there drop two cans, I took the coke cans and stared at it for a while.. I bit my lip and gather up all my courage and started to walk up to her try and comfort her..

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