Music First, Food Second.

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Dedicated to the lovely Vanini46 for being a loyal reader and actually GIVING ME SOME DAMN FEEDBACK. Thanks, dude. Also MCgal2000 for the last paragraph of this chapter. Xx


Lydia woke the next morning to a song she would recognize anywhere being played softly in the next room. "If these sheets were the states, and you were miles away, I'd fold them end over end....." She started singing, raspy and grating at the first few words, but stopped when she felt a short stab to each temple. So Stiles listened to All Time Low, so what? That didn't make him five thousand times hotter or anything.

Her stomach gave a pitiful gurgle, like even her need for food was irrelevant with this headache. She rubbed a bit of mascara from the corner of her eye and cringed. She had gone to bed with makeup on, which was a direct breach to the Lydia Martin Code of Beauty Conduct. If only she could find the energy to care.

She pushed aside thoughts of showering or eating and listened to Stiles' stereo play all of the songs she had loved since she had first discovered the band. Canals, Me without you, Hello Brooklyn, Break your little heart, Love like war, Weightless, Bad enough for you, the list was endless. And Stiles was playing every last one.

Eventually though, Lydia got bored. Lydia Martin was not the kind of person to accept boredom. So she peeled herself out of bed, grabbed a towel and her makeup bag, and made for the bathroom.

Busy looking at the strangely spotless kitchen, Lydia crashed face first into a torso with muscles hard enough to cut diamond. Or, at the very least, momentarily stun a nineteen year old girl. "Jesus Chri-" she began to say, only to look up and find the culprit.

"Stiles." A very shirtless, very naked-except-a-towel, just-showered-and-dripping-wet-absolutely-frigging-gorgeous Stiles. Lydia rubbed her cheekbone gingerly, staring shamelessly at the body that simply didn't match up with the junk food addict from last night.

"Hey. Sorry, I thought you were still asleep." He said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck in a way that caused his bicep to become infuriatingly prominent. "I've been awake for about an hour." She shrugged, playing off the rush of heat that tore through her entire body.

"Really? What have you been doing?" Stiles' eyebrows came together. Lydia resisted the urge to reach out and touch his stomach, just to make sure it was real. Instead she cocked an eyebrow and smirked. "Listening to music." She said playfully. Stiles' lips parted in surprise. "Shit, sorry, I should have known it was too loud. Especially with a hangover."

Lydia giggled. "You're kidding, right? Best hangover wakeup call ever. And I once woke up in a hotel suite in Paris next to a male model." She stated, grinning. "I didn't figure you for an All Time Low fan."

Stiles looked at her like she had sprouted an extra head. "You like All Time Low?" He tried to hide the trace of excitement that shot through his voice. Lydia snorted. "No, Stiles, I like Hersey's kisses. I like pens with purple ink. I love that band."

Stiles made a small noise that was frankly embarrassing. "Wow. Uh, that's great. I guess I won't annoy you by playing it then." He laughed quietly. "Nope. Don't blast it though, I have the most killer headache." She sighed, rubbing her temples as the stabbing returned.

"Oh, right. How are you feeling?" He seemed genuinely concerned, so Lydia attempted a small smile. "Well, I apparently have a very angry gnome running around inside my head, using my brain for target practice. But that aside, I'm just fine. Peaches and roses." She confirmed, wincing slightly. "Perfume." Stiles muttered.

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