Chapter 15: Black Mass

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They got back home from the tour and the battle and everyone felt knackered. 

At Christmas time, everyone in the cathedral doing the black Christmas mass with the fans. The clergy set the annual Christmas ritual. Papa in his gown and mitre, the ghouls and Ophelia in their suits and masks, Luther in his prince bishop gown and Kyle in his chancellor gown. They are in the small room, next to Nave. 'Right. We are doing this, for them and our dark lords.' Papa asserted. Luther declared, 'Yeah. Give them the best Black Christmas mass they'll never forget.' They hugged in the circle and chanting before the ritual. Hail Satan! Hail Ghost! They left the room and into the Crossing.

The ghouls sat on the pew at the front with Kyle and Luther. Papa and Ophelia stood in front of the altar. Papa pray, loudly to the people in the cathedral. 'Beelzebub, hear our prayer. Help the outcasts find their way to be themselves. Bless the fans and other metal fans with your calls. Make this Christmas the best year for us. We hear your calls to guide us to the light. We pray for your kindness and love. To us and to those who accept it. In your name. nemA.' 'nemA.' Everyone prays in the mono tone. Papa made a hand gesture to Sister Lisa and Sister Holly to give the wine and grucifix unleavened wafers to everyone. Papa and Ophelia had theirs first and followed by the ghouls, Luther and Kyle. As the sisters do their job, Papa and Ophelia stare at each other and smiled.

The sisters done the job, walked to Ophelia and Papa and handed the chalice and the plate to them. The sisters curtsied and sat on the front pew opposite the ghouls, Kyle and Luther. Cirice appeared in front of Ophelia and asked her, 'May I use my magic with your body?' She nodded. Cirice turned into the white mist, float to Ophelia's mouth and she cracked her eyes open with the eye colour change to white. Cirice raised her arms in the air and perform the snow spell. 'Proferte stolam nix, pervenimus ad majorem ecclesiam.' Then, flakes of snow fallen from the roof of the cathedral. Everyone gasped and the children smile with joy. Cirice's mist comes out of Ophelia's mouth and appeared in front of them. She curtsied to Ophelia, walked towards Luther and stood beside him.

Papa hold Ophelia's hand and raised his arm. He shouted to everyone to hear. 'I declare this Black Mass, is a wonderful ritual! Also, I'm marrying Ophelia! She saved me from the enemy! I couldn't do anything without her!' She smiled and grip his hand tight. Everyone stood up and chanted: Hail Papa! Hail Ophelia! Hail Ghost! They smiled and kiss each other.

Everyone in the dining room, having a Christmas lunch. The ghouls handing the plates of turkey and bowls of veg to the table. Papa and Ophelia sat on their thrones. Everyone chatting about their lives and Christmas. Papa stroked Ophelia's arm and whispered with a smirk, 'After this Christmas ritual, let's have our fun.' She giggled, quietly and kissed him. Papa raised his arms and ordered everyone to eat. 'Do start everyone.' They began the Christmas feast.

At the evening, Papa and Ophelia ran to their chamber, laughing. They enter and shut the door. Ophelia ran to the sofa and giggled. As Papa about to walk to her, a knock on the door. He turned around and opened the door. Special informed Papa. 'The party is ready, Papa.' 'Ah, thank you, Special. We'll be right there.' Papa thanked Special. He bowed and walked along the hallway.

Ophelia asked Papa as he closed the door. 'What party?' 'It's like a normal Christmas party, but with presents, music and booze.' He answered. She smiled and liked the idea. Papa walked to the desk and picked up a small present. Ophelia wondered what it is and for who. He grabbed her hand and head off to the party.

As they arrive, Sister Imperator, the ghouls, Kyle, Luther, Lisa, Holly and several others are in the Library. They greeted Papa and Ophelia. Papa helped Ophelia sat on the floor by the fireplace and he sat beside her. Sister Imperator handed out each present for the Secret Santa from the Christmas tree.

'This is for Lisa.' Sister Imperator handed the big present to Lisa. Lisa carefully unwrapped the present and it's a picture frame of sandy beach from town she's from in America. It came from Sister Marley who drew it. Lisa thanked Marley.

'Next, it's for Earth.' Sister Imperator passed the small bag to him. He carefully digs through the bag and he lifted a little chest with roses on the top. He felt flattered and Air revealed himself. Earth thanked Air.

After all the presents have delivered, Papa handed one to Sister Imperator. 'You shouldn't have, Papa.' She unwrapped the small present and it's a silver locket with a grucifix engraved. She immediately loved it. She thanked Papa and give him a hug.

Everyone started dancing to many bands and artists like Pink Floyd, Motley Crue, Nightwish, Black Sabbath, David Bowie and many more.

They drinking cocktails and eating party food. As they dancing, the ghouls approaching the people that they fancy. Alpha got Robin the Hellhound from the clergy. Water got Sister Naomi the Vaewolf. Omega got Princess/Sister Penelope the Mermaid. Earth got Sister Holly, Air got Kyle and Special got Sister Marley the Elf.

Lisa felt alone, until Sister Luna the Vampire approached. 'Hey, sweetie. Wanna dance with me?' Lisa looked at Luna and she thought that Luna is hot. 'Uh... Yeah. I would love to.' As Lisa finished answering, Luna grabbed Lisa's hand, drag to the centre of the room and dance to Pet Shop Pets.

After 3 hours of partying and getting drunk, everyone collapsed and laughing. Luther saw Simon the brother, lying down sleeping. He helped Simon get up and take him to the dormitory. As Luther carried Simon, he thought Simon is cute.

Ophelia dragged herself up from the floor and hold her balance to exit the Library. Papa lunged at her to give a big hug. She screamed and laughed. Sister Imperator helped them to the chamber and took note to make sure that Papa never get drunk again.

As Papa and Ophelia got into the chamber, Papa collapsed into the bed, asleep. Ophelia carefully put a duvet over him, quietly slide into the bed and snuggle with him. 

As she about to turn off the light, she saw a small present with a tag and it wrote:

Merry Christmas, Ghuleh. I hope this gift will remember our love.

Love Papa

She pulled the ribbon off the box, lift the lid off and saw a Gothic heart shaped locket. She opened it and it had two pictures of her and Papa, together. She loves the present and kissed it. She put it down and switch off the light. She snuggled again and whispered to him, 'Goodnight, Papa.' She fell asleep.    

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