Chapter 17: Unholy Plan

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It's been two weeks since Ophelia unexpectedly abducted by Melody's men. Papa get breakdowns every day. Everyone tried to calm him down, but nothing helped. Cirice tried to locate Ophelia but nothing came to her at all. Everyone tried to find Ophelia. Then one day, Kyle got the idea. He ordered the ghouls and Papa to meet him in his office.

'Right. We need to form a team to make a rescue plan. We need to train other members of the clergy.' Papa shook his head, sobbing. 'It will take months to train. Nothing can get it done.' 'We can do it, Papa. Don't saying negative things in this situation.' Special calm Papa's disbelieve down.

Cirice appeared and felt the new superpower from someone in Kyle's office. Luther entered the office and looked at Cirice. She turned her head to him and said, 'Someone in this room can locate Ophelia's whereabouts. But I don't know who.' He nods and explain to Papa, the ghouls and Kyle about what Cirice said. Papa instantly didn't believe. 'That's bullshit! Enough about that! It's over!' He stormed out of the office, crying. Luther followed him. Kyle ordered Alpha and Omega to get some members of the clergy to join the training. They bowed and left the office. Kyle also ordered Water, Air and Earth to prepare the weapons and any magic training that individual person got. They bowed and exit the office.

Special got the book out of the shelf and check on the members that can help. Then, it hit him. He remembered the Christmas party that had certain members of the clergy are been selected for a reason. Special said to Kyle, 'Get the other ghouls back here and gather those people who were in the party last month.' Kyle nods and ran out of the office to get Omega and the others. Five minutes later, Kyle and the ghouls returned to the office. Special explained the idea to them and they agreed about it. Special ordered Alpha and Omega to get Sisters Lisa and Holly and ordered Water, Earth and Air to get the ones that been chosen.

Meanwhile, Papa is in his chamber, crying in bed. Cirice appeared and tried to detect the new power on Papa. She got the catch. It's him. She looked through the desk and saw a black Gothic heart-shaped locket. She closed the locket, carefully carries it to him and place it beside him on the bed. As he turned his body around, he saw the locket. He picked it up and open the locket. He cried as he saw the pictures of him and Ophelia. As he about to throw it to the fireplace, he saw the vision and felt the presence of Ophelia. He gasped of surprise and thought about Cirice's power detection. 'I am so sorry, Cirice. I couldn't think straight.' He sobbed. She smiled, walked to the desk, grab a pen and wrote a message on the paper. He heard the scribble, jumped off the bed and walked to the desk. He saw the paper and it wrote:

It's okay, Papa. I know the feeling. As Ophelia is with Melody, I can't get to her. I know you can. Believe in yourself and have her in your heart. Always.

Papa cried and sunk into a chair. He looked at the locket and held it against his heart. 'I'll find you, Ghuleh. I promise.' He whispered to himself. He wears the locket and exit his chamber.

Luther stood by the door, hearing what's happening to Papa. He heard the door opening and he stepped back. Papa peeped out and said to Luther, 'I think I can get to her. Follow me.' Luther followed him to the music room. Papa ordered Luther to play Zenith on the speakers. Luther does as he told and it played around the music room. Papa sat on the floor in the middle of the music room, closed his eyes and took deep breaths. With a locket around Papa's neck, he focused on Ophelia and where she is.

As the verse starts, he began to see Ophelia in the mattress, sleeping. His vision become a bird's eye view outside of the kingdom. It's a massive stone castle. Very dark with lights in the kingdom. Tall blocks of flats and some abandoned buildings. He got to the arch of the tunnel leading out to the surface. He looked at the sign and said Libido Furorque and fly to the nearby city of Stockholm. Papa gasped and snapped his eyes open. Marley entered with a sketchpad and pencils. 'Hey, Papa. I can draw your visions and the location of Ophelia.' She sat on the floor, pour the pencils in front of them and open the sketchpad page. She picks up a pencil, read Papa's mind and draw the visions that Papa had.

Forty-five minutes later, Marley done the drawings and show it to Papa. 'That's it, Marley. Well done.' He praised to Marley. She smiled and give the drawings to Papa. He thanked her and she exit the music room. Papa looked carefully at the detail that Marley drew. The castle is covered by black stones and grey vines. Two huge red gemstones on the tall double doors. Then, he saw the drawing of Ophelia, sleeping. He poured his tear down his cheek and kiss the drawing. Kyle entered and deliver the update to Papa. 'We got the selected members of the clergy that are going to train tomorrow morning.' 'Thank you, Kyle. Say to them, it's for our dark lords and for Ophelia.' Kyle nods and exit the music room. Papa gathered the drawing and left the music room, followed by Luther.

Next morning, Papa, Luther, Kyle, the ghouls and the chosen members of the clergy are in the Cirice's crypt. Papa raised his arms and said, 'Welcome to the crypt. Where you are training to become warriors for us and for our dark lords.' Lisa, Holly and Simon felt nervous and looked around that there are other members are mythical creatures. Lisa calmed down and thought to herself; We are doing this for Ophelia. My best friend.

Papa took a step forward and said, 'This training with dedicate your strength and your ability to use methods to take down anyone who crossed us.' They nodded for understanding what Papa is saying. 'Now. Let's start with the weapons.' He leads them to the weapon room and Robin quickly walk to grab a whip. Alpha smiled under his mask. Naomi looked at a baseball bat and think of her favourite Suicide Squad character, Harley Quinn. She picked it up and swing it around. She returned to the crypt. Luna looked at scythe. She chose it. Penelope saw the fans are made of steel, remind her of Kitana from Mortal Kombat and she grab them. Marley looked around and said to Papa, 'I can master all the weapons in this room.' Papa bowed his head and took note to Luther.

Holly, Lisa and Simon felt anxious and Papa whispered, 'Pick a weapon that you like.' Lisa entered the room, scan the weapons and something got her eye. A long spear with symbols on the stick and a grucifix on the metal blade. She picked it up, feel the weight and thought that it's a perfect one. Holly is next and instantly picked up a small sword and a shield. Simon want on easy weapon to use and came across the crossbow. He picked it up and smiled.

Everyone is in the crypt and Papa said with a clap, 'Let's begin.'

They stood in line and the ghouls, Papa and Luther picked a person to train. Papa got Lisa. Alpha got Robin. Omega got Holly. Water got Luna. Earth got Naomi. Air got Simon. Special got Penelope and Luther got Marley. They put in different areas in the crypt and started the weapon training. Air showed Simon the techniques of aiming the target with the scope and set the arrows. Earth showed Naomi the strength of the baseball bat and how to use brute force to break the object and knock out an opponent. Luther tells Marley about how different weapons work and Marley remembered the information. Water taught Luna the scythe techniques and block the opponent's attacks. Special shown Penelope the slash attacks of the fans and how to sharpen the blades. Omega teach Holly the basic sword and shield techniques and to use stamina for the sword and shield weight. Alpha taught Robin the use of the whip in the situation and on battles. And finally, Papa showed Lisa the spear attacks, defend from the opponent and sharpen the blade.

Two hours later, they finished the training and everyone puffed out. 'Tomorrow, you have to use your hidden powers to use while in battle or in daily basis.' Papa informed them. Everyone smiled and took note. But Lisa, Holly and Simon was unsure about what he's talking about. Luther walked to them and said, 'My late sister, Cirice will detect the superpower in you.' They looked puzzled and Luther explained. 'She is now a spirit. But she helped Ophelia through the journey and detect superpowers in Ophelia.' They nodded for understanding. Papa clapped his hands and said, 'This training is done. You may go, now.' They bowed and exit the crypt.

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